She gave him just enough information to whet his appetite. 她向他透露的信息刚好能吊起他的胃口。
A really good catalogue can also whet customers 'appetites for merchandise. 一份真正好的商品目录也可以激起顾客购买的欲望。
Stones whet a sword, difficulties strengthen willpower. 石头是刀的朋友,障碍是意志的朋友。
Although not an exhaustive description, it perhaps will provide enough information to whet your appetite and encourage you to learn more about TFP. 尽管这些不是详尽的说明,但它也许会提供足够的信息激起您的欲望并鼓励您学习更多的关于TFP的内容。
This small introduction should whet your appetite for sed, but is not intended to be complete or extensive. 下面的简单介绍将唤起您对sed的兴趣,但是这里并不打算给出全面或详细的介绍。
This article has just scratched the surface of using zippers in the Visitor pattern; the point of it is to whet your appetite for further exploration. 这篇文章仅仅是涉及了在访问者模式中使用zippers的一些浅显问题;目的在于激发您进一步探索的兴趣。
That pre-dinner cocktail or glass of wine meant to whet your appetite before dinner actually does just that, stimulating a feeling of hunger even if your stomach is full, says Moon. 莫恩说:在正餐前喝鸡尾酒或一杯葡萄酒可以有效促进食欲,即使你很饱也能产生饥饿感。
In the meantime, however, Alibaba is hoping that its latest results will whet potential investors 'appetite for growth. 但与此同时,阿里巴巴希望最新的业绩能激发潜在投资者对增长的兴趣。
A dish with a fragrant aroma will certainly whet the appetite. 一道冒着香味的菜肴定会激起人们的食欲。
LAST year Google whet the appetites of geeks everywhere when it announced that it had developed Google Glass, a pair of web-connected smart glasses that could take photos and videos, and display information gleaned from the internet. 谷歌去年宣布开发出了谷歌眼镜,一下吊起了全球发烧友们的胃口。这是一种新型智能眼镜,能上网、能拍照、能看视频、还能显示网上订阅的文章。
His first step MS toadaptto the situation and keep hisacquisitivepartners from selling whet he had started to the highest bidder. 他采取的第一步是适应局面并阻止那些贪婪的合伙人把他创立的学校卖给出价最高的人。
I am sure this food will whet their appetites. 我敢肯定,这些菜能让他们大开胃口。
As I dug deeper into her life, each new revelation only served to whet my appetite for more details. 随着我对魏特琳身世的进一步了解,每一个新的发现都会激励我想了解有关她更多细节的兴趣。
It only gives our wish for blue a whet. 只引起我们对蓝色的向往。
The years whet difficult, the slightest whetted to the dream of childhood. 岁月的磨难,丝毫没有磨去童年的梦。
Whet your appetite, are you hungry? 刺激你的欲望,你是否渴望?
If I shall whet my sword as the lightning, and my hand take hold on judgment: I will render vengeance to my enemies, and repay them that hate me. 我一磨亮我的刀剑,我一掌握裁判权,必向我的敌人雪恨,对恨我的人报复。
Plastic imitation meals are one part of Japan's food culture, and they are starting to whet appetites in other countries, too. 塑料仿餐是一个日本的饮食文化的一部分,他们开始在其他国家的胃口磨也。
Then he would put it on the stone again and whet, whet, till I could have laughed aloud, it was so very ludicrous. 于是他又在磨刀石上一磨再磨,真是滑稽,使我禁不住要放声大笑。
This has been a bit of a whirlwind tour of these tools, but I have tried to present you with at least enough information to whet your appetite. 本文采用走马观花的方式介绍了上述工具,但我已经试图起码向你提供足够的信息以激起你的好奇心。
Jack begins to whet the latter's appetite. 杰克开始吊亨利的胃口。
I've read only the first few pages of her book, but it was enough to whet my appetite. 她的书我只看了开头几页,但已经引起我极大的兴趣。
Early men then ate the same plants whet they fall sick, and found them helpful. 早期的人生病时,也吃同样的植物,并发现它们有帮助。
It be the pressure that begs existence in hard environment because of DOing not experience the whet of environment of the very hardship to practice and bearing. 就是因为没有经受过极其艰苦的环境的磨练和承受艰苦环境里求生存的压力。
With these beautifully crafted works of edible art, the park ´ s creators whet the mass'appetite to consume, but with style and cultivation. 除了风格和修养之外,凭借着这些做工精美的可食用艺术作品,公园的创造者激起了大众消费的欲望。
I showed the sales director a preview of the proposal to whet his appetite for the main advertising campaign. 我给销售经理预先看所提的建议,以增加他对广告宣传运动的兴趣。
The preview was intended to whet your appetite. 预告是为了吊胃口。
Practice English before you eat to whet your appetite. 饭前练英语,让你胃口好。
It's a great way to whet your aviation appetite. 这是激起你航空梦想的重要方式。