I felt that these limitations warranted another approach. 我觉得这些限制为另外一种方法提供了线索。
You should complete a cost-benefit analysis of your system and create functional indexes only when warranted. 您应该对系统进行成本收益分析,并只在能保证获益的情况下创建函数索引。
They apologize& but only when warranted. 他们道歉但只会在需要时。
Knowing how your salary stacks up to others can help you decide if a raise is warranted and timely. 了解你的薪资和其他人有什么样的不同可以帮你决定提出的加薪是否恰当、及时。
Despite such alarming numbers, fears about massive defaults may no longer be warranted. 尽管此类数据令人警醒,但对大规模违约的担忧可能不再合理。
Both updates recommended the narrow-spectrum amoxicillin as a first-line treatment when antibiotics are warranted. 这些更新后的指导方针都推荐在有必要使用抗生素时将窄谱的阿莫西林作为首要治疗选择。
I remember him as someone who was a lot nicer than circumstances warranted. 我记得他是谁比很多情况下更好的保证。
So I think further research is warranted. 因此,我认为进一步的研究是有必要的。
If a sample is sent by the Supplier, the properties of the sample shall be deemed warranted. 供应商发送样品的,应视为按该样品的特性进行保证。
The protection of environment is warranted also by an absolute filtration of the exhaust air. 排气的彻底过滤也同时保护了环境。
How will you like to proceed with the negotiation? Future studies focusing on such patients are warranted. 你想如何继续进行谈判?对该类病人的进一步研究将继续进行。
Future studies focusing on such patients are warranted. 对该类病人的进一步研究将继续进行。
A guidance to lead monetary conditions back to normal is warranted because of the severe capital over liquidity. 引导货币条件回归常态,其原因是中国出现了资本流动性的严重过剩。
But in fact warranted confidence in our programs. 实际上我们的程序中有保证的自信。
So far, the increase in endogenous liquidity has rewarded risk-taking beyond what would be warranted by fundamentals. 迄今为止,内在流动性的增加,使投资者因承受风险而获得的回报,超过了基本面所能保证的水平。
Obviously what she did was wrong, but I don't think it warranted quite such severe punishment. 显然她是做错了,但我认为不能因此就需要给予这么严重的惩罚。
But local social patterns and recruitment numbers have not warranted tailor-made apprenticeships. 不过,当地的社会模式和招募人数无法保证实行“量体裁衣”的学徒制。
Further study is warranted to investigate the association of this heterogeneity with lifestyle or genetic information. 临床表型存在高度的异质性,是否与生活习惯或基因多态性有关有待进一步研究。
If you doubt this activism was warranted, consider what followed earthquakes in the era before central banks. 如果你怀疑这种行动主义是否正当,想想在中央银行制度建立之前的时代地震发生后的情景吧。
This estimation can be warranted for a number of reasons. 有许多理由可以证明这样一种估计。
Future randomized trials are warranted to confirm the survival benefit of this strategy. 有待进一步的随机试验来明确这一策略的生存受益。
These concerns have led to a debate among advocacy groups and governments on whether special regulation of nanotechnology is warranted. 这些忧虑导致了鼓吹集团和政府就“对纳米技术的特殊管制是否合理”的争论。
Of course, suctioning is always warranted when the airway is clearly obstructed. 当然,气道被明显阻塞了的时候,吸痰极其必要。
These criticisms are no longer warranted. 这些批评不再合理。
Further studies for mechanism of such false positive results on PET scan are warranted. 需要进一步研究PET扫描这种假阳性结果发生机制。
Prospective clinical studies are highly warranted to demonstrate that ventricular fibrillation waveform analysis definitely improves survival after cardiac arrest. 前瞻性的研究认为:心室颤动的波形的分析明确增加心跳骤停生存率的分析。
Further studies to elucidate the specific role of IL6 in disease pathogenesis are warranted. 进一步研究中阐明IL6在疾病发病机理中的作用是值得的。
More research is warranted concerning the clinical consequences of high uric acid, especially in blacks. 目前还需要更多的研究来证实高尿酸的临床后果,尤其是在黑人当中。
Parts and labor are warranted for ninety ( 90) days after the date of purchase. 零件和劳动力是必要的九十(90)天的日期后购买。
While such projects provide good publicity for the companies involved, suspicion is warranted. 尽管这类项目为参与其中的公司提供了很好的宣传,也有理由保持怀疑。