枯燥无味的;晦涩难懂的 boring, complicated and difficult to understand
肿胀的;膨胀的;肿大的 swollen; containing more water than usual
the turgid waters of the Thames 上涨的泰晤士河水
pompous,boring,dull,hard going,stilted
He used to make extremely dull, turgid and frankly boring speeches 他过去常作些极其乏味、晦涩难懂而且令人非常厌烦的演讲。
The rest of the arts scene looks increasingly turgid by comparison. 比较而言,艺术界的其他领域看起来越发索然无味。
GEMINI: Geminis are avid readers, so almost any book will keep them busy& but don't make it too long or turgid a read, since this Sign loses interest quickly. 双子座:双子座喜欢读书,几乎任何书都能让她们立刻投入其中,但最好不要是那种冗长的书,因为她们的兴趣维持不了多久。
The fifth – and longest – book on which the film is based plays a crucial but faintly turgid role in the saga. 电影改编自哈利波特系列第五部,也是至今为止改编过的最长的一部,原著里的角色在历险中显得至关重要却略有浮夸。
I remember that evening; Haizi looked outside the window, with expression similar to person having just come back from long way, slight turgid eyes, seemed serious insufficient sleep. 我记得那个黄昏,海子看着窗外,神色有些接近刚刚从远途归来的人,双眼轻微浮肿,显得严重睡眠不足。
They have a mechanical function, allowing the cell to become turgid by osmosis, but preventing bursting. 通过渗透作用,细胞壁可以渐渐涨大,但不会涨到破裂的程度。
Elongation The enlargement of cells after mitotic division that results from the uptake of water by OSMOSIS until the cells become turgid. 延伸,延长:有丝分裂后的细胞,通过渗透作用摄取水分使细胞体积变大,变得比较饱满的现象。
Results The neck-shoulder pain of cervical vertebrae syndrome is sore and turgid; 结论颈椎综合征的疼痛性质属于躯体深部组织痛。
The flowers are still crisp and turgid. 花朵尚处于鲜嫩,饱满状态。
It pulsated in her hand like an animal and almost weeping with grateful ecstasy she pointed it into her own wet, turgid flesh. 它在她手里有节奏地一收一缩,象一只动物。几乎因为感激的狂喜而哭了,她把它对准进入她自己的湿地,肿胀的肉里。
His style is turgid, boring. 他的文体华而不实,令人厌烦。
The articles she writes are very turgid, which makes them difficult to read. 她写的文章十分夸张,令人难以阅读。
If I eschew a visit to atlas shrugged, it will be because the plot is silly and the prose turgid, not because of its message. 如果我不去看《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》,那将是因为它的情节可笑、台词浮夸,而不是因为它传递的主题思想。
His books are always full of turgid prose. 他的书里总是充满了浮夸的言辞。
Mine is just so tiny even when turgid. 我是个小虾米,大的时候就这么一点点。
A turgid incoherent presentation. 华而不实、语无伦次的介绍。
It is quite a thirsty plant, so water every few days to keep it fresh and turgid. 这是一种非常饥渴的植物,每隔几天就要浇水来保持它新鲜饱满。
early 17th cent.: from Latin turgidus, from turgereto swell