马虎的;敷衍了事的 done without care; doing things without care
adj. 潦草的;穿著不整洁的;穿著踏跟鞋的
The hotel had always been run in a slipshod way. 该酒店的管理一向马虎。
Don't do your work in a slipshod manner. You should be conscientious and have a sense of responsibility. 对工作不能随随便便,要认真负责。
When Crick and others began to argue for junk DNA, they were guided by a similar vision of nature as slipshod. 当克里克等人开始为垃圾DNA而辩时,他们也抱持着类似的观点:大自然是个漫不经心的家伙。
Donot regard him as slIpshod, actually within, he is just as considerate as a girl! 别看他整天大大咧咧地,其实心细着呢,跟一个大姑娘似的。
You're too slipshod about your presentation. 你表达得太不认真。
The recent recalls are partly due to slipshod oversight and isolated acts of rapacity, both of which can, with difficulty, be rooted out. 近来的召回事件在一定程度上是因为疏忽和个别贪婪行为所致虽然有难度,但这两种情况都可以根除。
A pair of slipshod feet shuffled, hastily, across the bare floor of the room, as this interrogatory was put; 这一番质问刚停,一双穿拖鞋的脚慌慌张张地擦着光溜溜的房间地板走了过去。
A most haphazard system of record keeping; slapdash work; slipshod spelling; sloppy workmanship. 最随便的档案保存系统;草率的工作;粗心的拼写;草率的工艺。
Well, darling, you know what the mails are now& so uncertain and slipshod even where mail routes are re-established. 唔,亲爱的,你知道现今的邮路是个什么情况&即使在那些已经恢复了的地方也很不可靠;丢三落四的。
Slipshod work will never pass muster. 草率的工作绝对经不起检查。
Such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable; lax in attending classes; slack in maintaining discipline. 如此松懈、漫不经心的作风不会再被接受了;对到堂听讲要求很松;纪律松弛。
The tractable nature of the oil medium has sometimes encouraged slipshod craftsmanship. Working over partly dry pigment or priming may produce a wrinkled surface. 油画颜料的易控制特点常使画家潦草从事。用部分干燥的颜料或底色作的画常出现画面皱缩。
And to those who ask: "what on earth is the FT doing advocating this self-indulgent and slipshod attitude to life?" 有些人会问:“如此支持这种自我放纵、漫不经心的生活态度,英国《金融时报》到底要干什么?”
He is sometimes slipshod in handling his sources. 他在处理资料来源时有时有点潦草。
Steaming towards Buenos Ayres. slipshod talk ( George Eliot). 随便的谈话(乔治艾略特)
The work was done in a slipshod manner. 工作做得粗糙马虎。
A slipshod worker, writer, etc 马虎的工人、作者等
The two houses held slipshod hearings and debates on the bill for several weeks. 参众两院对此法进行了数周马虎的听证和辩论。
It requires effort and cannot be done in a slipshod way; He has an inclination for hard work. 需要努力,不是随随便便所能办到;他有努力工作的意向((他很想努力工作))。
The legislation of the open heart permission system is slipshod and has a greater randomness in practice. 心证公开制度立法粗疏,在实践中有较大的随意性,其理论视角偏狭,应当转换研究视角,以保障法定听审请求权的理念完善具体制度。
late 16th cent. (originally in the sense wearing slippers or loose shoes): from the verb slip + shod