仓促马虎的;毛躁的;潦草的 done, or doing sth, too quickly and carelessly
She has a very slapdash approach to keeping accounts. 她记账十分潦草马虎。
a slapdash piece of writing 一篇粗制滥造的文章
adj. 匆促的;草率的;粗心的,马虎的
Malcolm's work methods appear amazingly slapdash. 马尔科姆的工作方法显得极其粗枝大叶。
But in the current case, the official admission has also cast light on the sometimes slapdash practices Taiwan employs in handling secret diplomacy. 但在目前的案件中,官方的承认还暴露出台湾在处理秘密外交时,有时会采取草率的做法。
A most haphazard system of record keeping; slapdash work; slipshod spelling; sloppy workmanship. 最随便的档案保存系统;草率的工作;粗心的拼写;草率的工艺。
The correct approach is for states to hold banks to account, and show them that their slapdash and contemptuous approach to their legal responsibilities is unacceptable. 正确的途径应当是由各州向银行追究责任,让他们明白对法律责任采取草率、轻蔑的态度是不可接受的。
But China's health system, though improving, is still shoddy by rich-world standards and slapdash about protecting patients'privacy. 中国的医疗体系虽然有所发展,但和发达国家的标准还有很大差距,其在患者个人隐私的保护方面也做得不够。
He gets his work done quickly, but he's very slapdash. 他很快完成了工作,但他很草率。
As if they were written in a slapdash way. 好象它们是仓促而成的。
They have started a high-profile campaign to raise standards and punish slapdash manufacturers. 他们发起了一场旗帜鲜明的运动,以提高标准并处罚那些不细心的制造者。
Although the Hainan journals fraud is an outlier, it's symptomatic of a larger problem: slapdash and irrelevant publications read by next to no one. 虽然海南期刊欺诈是一个离群,这是一个更大的问题的症状:明年没有人读的马虎和不相关的出版物。
A National Restaurant Association spokeswoman said the paper was a "slapdash" piece of work that was flawed because it did not take individual diet and exercise into account. 全国餐饮协会发言人表示,这个报告做得有点草率,部分章节是有瑕疵的。因为结论没有考虑到个人的饮食习惯和锻炼程度。
But many think the savings calculations are slapdash. 但是很多人认为节流计算并不仔细。
The shelves were put up slapdash. 这些架子是仓促间搭起来的。
Turned away by Spain and Turkey, the ship was slated to be broken up in India, which has a cheap, slapdash and thriving shipbreaking industry. 由于先后被西班牙和土耳其拒绝(注2),于是选中了印度作为该舰的拆解地。
A Slapdash Reform Effort By The Railway Ministry 一场“草率”的铁路改革