The final chapter is no more than a scrappy addition. 最后一章不过是一些支离破碎的补充内容。
I have only a scrappy knowledge of the latest scientific achievements. 对于科学的最新成就我只是星星点点知道一些。
The article is somewhat scrappy. 文章有些零碎。
The technology industry loves an underdog, especially when a scrappy startup makes breakfast of a bloated incumbent. 科技行业喜欢弱势群体,特别是那些充满斗志而且勇于挑战行业巨无霸的初创型企业。
They could have stepped right out of techstars central casting – smart, scrappy, ambitious, hungry. 他们简直就像是《科技之星》(Techstars)节目里走出来的真人秀明星&聪明、生气勃勃、雄心万丈,而且渴望成功。
But the riches of an IPO also threaten the uniquely bare-knuckle, scrappy culture the company has struggled to build. 但首次公开募股(IPO)带来的财富也可能威胁到这家公司努力打造的企业文化,一种独特、直言不讳、生气勃勃的文化。
Intel is obviously a far cry from a scrappy start-up, but the company provided opportunities for me to follow my passions and turn ideas into projects with huge impact. 英特尔和组织松散的初创企业截然不同,但是它给我提供了一个跟随自己的激情、将创意变成重大项目的机会。
Its own success would seem to be the only threat to a company that has billed itself as the scrappy underdog that promised to help us think different. 这家公司曾经自称为斗志昂扬的失败者,声称要帮我们不同凡想(thinkdifferent),而如今,过于成功才是它面临的唯一威胁。
Scrappy Netflix heroically provides television and movies for just$ 8 per month while distributors gouge profits from their control of the pipes. 斗志昂扬的Netflix公司英勇地以每月8美元的价格提供影视内容,而互联网服务提供商则利用自己对管道的控制,抢占了大部分利润。
We were a scrappy startup, not in need of the frivolous pampering that more financially successful ( and boring) firms would choose. 我们是一家生气勃勃的初创公司,不需要这种无聊的暴饮暴食,这是那些在经济上更加成功(也更无聊)的公司才会选择的方式。
You just need to concentrate on what you do best, which is singing your scrappy little heart out. 你只需要把注意力放在你做的最好的事情上,那就是掏心掏肺的唱歌。
Yes, developed markets can learn much from new, scrappy competitors. 确实,发达市场可以从新的、生机勃勃的竞争对手那里学到很多。
But it's Gruden's own portrait that emerges most sharply: he's the scrappy private who almost imperceptibly becomes field commander. 但它格鲁登自己的画像出现暴跌的:他的斗志旺盛的私人谁不知不觉成为战地指挥官。
The play's somewhat scrappy structure. 这个剧本稍嫌凌乱的结构。
Scrappy remembrances passed across her mind. 往事的片断在她脑海中闪过。
Phoebe: You're also so generous and kind and scrappy! 你现在还很慷慨,善良,斗志旺盛!
It was a scrappy piece of work, not up to your usual standard. 这篇文章不连贯,达不到你平时的水平。
People made jokes about our cold house, about our scrappy little farm and our rough life. 他们常拿这冰冷的房子、杂乱的小农场和艰难的生活来和我们开玩笑。
Though scrappy, not systematic, it had developed into the height of the theory. 虽然零碎,不成系统,却初步形成、发展到了理论的高度。
If Mark, Chris, Eric and Tom go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla, Peanut-Head and Scrappy. 如果马克,克里斯,埃里克和汤姆出去吃饭,他们会亲切地称对方为胖子,怪兽,傻瓜和刺儿头。
It grew up as a scrappy bond-trading firm that did not care about how others regarded it. 贝尔斯登作为一家经营债券交易的公司而起家,它不在乎别人怎样看待自己。
Like in its other first-round games against Group D opponents Brazil and Denmark, the underdog New Zealand squad's scrappy defense held off repeated scoring drives. 本场比赛新西兰虽然落败,但是和在D组小组赛中对阵巴西和丹麦一样,防守顽强,阻挡中国队的多次进攻。
He's feeling scrappy today, so be careful what you say. 他今天有点儿惹不起,所以你说话当心点。
But brand advertising can be a tough thing for scrappy startups. 但是品牌广告对新生的初创企业来说是一件困难的事情。
But the scrappy fossil record of early primates-mostly teeth and isolated skeletal bones-left researchers hard put to test these hypotheses. 但是,早期灵长类的化石记录(牙齿和零散的骨骼居多)在太少了,让研究人员难以验证这些假说。
I'm afraid your last essay was a very scrappy piece of work. 我认为你上一篇论文写得很不连贯。
Hedge funds are infamous for being scrappy and secretive. 对冲基金由于混乱和隐秘而声名狼藉。
We don't feel big. We still work in little, scrappy teams and we feel very small. 我们不觉得自己很强大,我们仍以各个杂牌的小团队投入工作,我们觉得自己非常小。