猛烈的;激烈的;有力的 used to emphasize how strong, powerful, etc. sth is
a scorching critique of the government's economic policy 对政府经济政策的严厉批评
原型:scorch 现在分词:scorching
scorching 酷热的
来自 scorch,烧焦。引申词义酷热的。
Many people dream of scorching round a racetrack. 许多人梦想能绕着跑道飞奔。
That race was run in scorching weather 那次赛跑是在酷热的天气中进行的。
It was a scorching hot day. 那是一个大热天。
The volcano spewed out more scorching volcanic ashes, gases and rocks 火山喷出更多灼热的火山灰、气体和岩块。
The sun was scorching hot. 骄阳似火。
This stove is really scorching. 这炉子真烤人。
The sun feels scorching. 太阳晒得人热辣辣的。
The sun is scorching. 太阳在喷火。
For most people, summer involves numerous daily shifts between scorching outdoor heat and frosty air-conditioned interiors. 对大多数人而言,夏季每天要在高温酷热的室外与寒冷的空调房之间转换无数次。
I spent my day on the scorching hot dust of the road. 我在大路灼热的尘土上消磨了一天。
The contiguous United States set a temperature record in 2012, a year of scorching heat waves and drought. 不包括阿拉斯加和夏威夷在内的美国本土曾在2012年创下温度记录,那年发生过灼人的热浪和干旱。
But one day all ten suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. 但有一天,十个太阳一同出现,他们发出的热量烧焦了地上的作物。
Working in the fields under the scorching sun, they were all panting for a cold drink. 烈日下在地里干活,他们都渴望喝点清凉饮料。
Only we would end up in a scorching dorm room for vacation! 只有我们在一间烧焦的宿舍屋子结束假期!
Scorching sun, endless sand sea. 烈日当头,沙海无边。
The trees grew fast and provided shade during Nanjing's scorching summers. 成林迅速的梧桐为南京炙热的夏天提供了令人舒爽的阴影。
This summer still is nice for him, but the scorching sun can only light Yi's stubbornness. 这个夏天对他依然美好!夏日的灼阳只能点燃他的倔强。
The scorching sun grilled us. 炙热的太阳把我们烤焦了。
I yearn for the soaring, even if is scorching sun overhead. 我向往飞翔,即便是烈日当空。
It was scorching hot inside the greenhouse, and the plants were beginning to wilt. 暖房里异常热,植物都开始枯萎了。
From freezing night it turned to scorching day as the sun climbed toward its zenith. 太阳升到正中,霜冻的夜晚变成了炎热的正午。
Provide partial shade from scorching noon or early afternoon sun. 在正午和午后烈日当空时,要给他们提供部分遮荫。
Gentle breeze in summer, blow away scorching sun, but can't blow away our attaching. 夏日的微风,吹散了骄阳的酷炎,吹不散我们心头绵绵依恋。
Then the sun broke through the clouds and memories of summer's scorching hot days flashed through my mind. 然后太阳冲破了云层和回想夏天的炎热的天闪过我的脑海。
The scorching sun has bent the crops. 炽灼的太阳把庄稼晒得都弯了腰。
The road down to the river lay red and scorching between the ruined cotton fields. 到河边去的那条路是红色的,滚烫的,两旁的棉花地都荒废了。
Cheguo clothes for me just cover the scorching sun. 只是扯过衣衫为我遮住这烈日炎炎。
Peasants are busy weeding under the scorching sun. 农民在炎炎烈日下忙着除草。
Working in the scorching sun all day has knocked me up. 整天在灼热的阳光下工作已把我累垮了。