A number of churches were sacked and sacrilegious acts committed. 很多教堂都被洗劫一空,而且作出了诸多渎神之举。
A man named Hong Xiuquan, born in 1814 as missionaries were spreading Christianity in China, had visions that led him to believe that he was the second son of God, who had commanded him to ride China of sacrilegious practices. 1814年出生的传教士洪秀全在中国传播基督教,他相信自己是上帝的第二个儿子,而上帝让他帮助中国摆脱亵渎神灵的行为。
It is an admission that is verging on sacrilegious for a French president. But Nicolas Sarkozy's top chef has revealed that the French head of state has banned cheese from the table at the Elys é e Palace. 尼古拉•萨科奇的御用大厨透露,这位法国总统将奶酪逐出了爱丽舍宫的餐桌,这对于一名法国总统来说,几乎是冒天下之大不韪。
At this point cannibalism was considered atrocious and sacrilegious in the developed world. 在当时的发达国家,食人被看作残忍、渎神的行为。
Humorous, obscene or sacrilegious ones ( as they may seem to us) are often used. 幽默、另类的形象经常被使用。
Christlike vagrant wanders through a perverse and grotesque land filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery. 像督流浪满宗教渎圣象异堕落游荡。
To Scarlett, the very idea of saying such things to her own mother was almost sacrilegious. 对于思嘉,不要说真正跟自己的母亲说这种话,就连这样一个念头几乎也是亵渎的呢。
It is sacrilegious to wear shoes inside a mosque. 于清真寺中穿鞋子是亵渎行为。
As for the sacrilegious robber Lysimachus, they killed him near the treasury. 连亵卖圣器的人也被杀死在圣库的近旁。
Blasphemous rites of a witches 'Sabbath; profane utterances against the Church; it is sacrilegious to enter with shoes on. treated irreverently or sacrilegiously. 巫妖狂欢日是不敬的庆典;反教的不敬的言论;穿鞋进去是不敬的。不敬的、亵渎的对待。
That practice was soon banned as sacrilegious. 那种做法很快就被视为亵渎神圣而遭禁止。