俾格米人(生活于非洲和东南亚部分地区,身材矮小) a member of a race of very short people living in parts of Africa and SE Asia
矮小的人(或物);侏儒;弱小者 a very small person or thing or one that is weak in some way
He regarded them as intellectual pygmies. 他把他们视为知识上的侏儒。
(比同类动植物)小得多的,矮小的,微小的 used to describe a plant or species (= type) of animal that is much smaller than other similar kinds
a pygmy shrew 倭鼩鼱
n. [内科] 侏儒;俾格米人(一种身高不满五英尺的矮小人种);微不足道的人
adj. 矮小的;俾格米人的
He's a pygmy when compared with great musicians. 他和伟大的音乐家相比就成了侏儒。
Pygmy goats can develop accents as they grow older, according to scientists. 科学家发现,小山羊随着年龄的增长,也会有口音。
The pygmy marmoset or dwarf monkey or finger monkey is a New World monkey native to the rainforest canopies of western Brazil. 这种非常小的小矮猴或手指猴原产地在巴西西部的雨林地带。
Acceleration is about the same for both these pygmy show ponies, around 9.1 seconds to 60 mph. 这两匹侏儒秀中的矮马在加速性能上也基本一致,0到60英里(约96公里)时速的加速时间大约为9.1秒。
Until now, babbling had been observed only in humans and a few primates, such as pygmy marmosets. 到目前为止牙牙学语只在人类和一些灵长类动物中发现过。
A Pan-African Music Festival is criticized for housing pygmy musicians in a tent in Brazzaville zoo. 平锅-洲的音乐节日因在布拉札维动物园的一个帐篷中收容微小的音乐家受到批评。
This pygmy seahorse is only about a half-inch tall and has flesh that blends masterfully well with the sea fans it lives among. 这是侏儒海马只有约半英寸高,有肉,融合巧妙地与大海以及球迷们的生活中。
This pygmy chimp almost didn't make it with zoo vets worried about her mother during the birthing process. 这个侏儒黑猩猩在出生时险象环生,使得动物园兽医很担心她的母亲。
So we talked with some experts who know the pygmy communities very well, and they said let's have a radio station. 先前我们与一些熟知俾格米人社区的专家进行了交流,他们说建一个电台吧。
Pygmy rattlesnake found in moist areas from the Great Lakes to Mexico; feeds on mice and small amphibians. 生活在北美五大湖至墨西哥地区的侏儒响尾蛇;以鼠类和两栖动物为食。
Results Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia is a rare osteopathy that would lead to short limb type pygmy or mutilation bone disease. 结果干骺端软骨发育异常是较罕见的全身短管状骨干骺端软骨发育异常导致短肢型侏儒或致残性体质性骨病。
The various pygmy groups are thus the products of harshcircumstances. 各种侏儒种群都是残酷环境的产物。
The international organization has shown itself to be an economic giant, a political pygmy and a military larva. 这个国际组织表现为一个经济上的巨人,政治上的侏儒,军事上的幼虫。
Studies on the extracting technology of flavones from Pygmy Waterlily leaves and their antibacterial activity 睡莲叶黄酮的提取及其抑菌活性研究
Large anadromous lamprey sometimes used as food; destructive of native fish fauna in the Great Lakes. pygmy rattlesnake found in moist areas from the Great Lakes to Mexico; feeds on mice and small amphibians. 有时被食用的淡水产卵的大鳗鱼;北美五大湖本地鱼类区系的破坏者。生活在北美五大湖至墨西哥地区的侏儒响尾蛇;以鼠类和两栖动物为食。
Pygmy squirrels, no larger than mice, live in Africa and Borneo. ( 1) The giant squirrels of India are as large as house cats. 袖珍松鼠,并不比老鼠大,生活在非洲和婆罗洲。印度的巨人松鼠有家猫那么大。
He's a pygmy compared with you. 和你相比他就算是个侏儒了。
The genomes of contemporary pygmy and hunter gatherer tribes in Africa, for example, have roughly as many differences as do those of European modern humans and Neandertals. 比如非洲的当代俾格米人和狩猎聚居部落的基因组的差异能赶上欧洲现代人和尼安德塔人的差异。
Contrary to the expectations of many, the researchers also found that two high-profile species, the gorilla and the pygmy chimpanzee, or bonobo, should be downgraded to a lower level of threat. 与很多人的预料相反,研究人员还发现,两个备受关注的物种,大猩猩和侏儒黑猩猩(又名倭黑猩猩)应该降低其受威胁的级别。
The animals in effect became pygmy elephants. 而结果,这些象群成了今天的矮象。
Did anybody go for the pygmy? 有没有谁买那个俾格米人?
One year old pygmy goat, Celebrity. 一岁的矮脚羊,小明星。
The pygmy's diet consists of a variety of ferns and broad-leaved plants, as well as grasses and fruits found in dense rain forests. 倭河马的日常食物包括多种蕨类植物、阔叶植物以及雨林中的草类、水果。
Chimpanzees and gorillas are man's closest living relatives. Our closest animal cousins, the common chimpanzee and the bonobo ( pygmy chimpanzee), can achieve surprising levels of language comprehension when motivated by skilled teachers. 黑猩猩和大猩猩是人类活着的最近的亲戚,黑猩猩和巴诺布猿是人类的近亲,它们在老师有技巧的引导下,可以获得惊人的语言理解力。
The fate of the isolated species now rests entirely in a crossbreeding program with the closely related Idaho pygmy rabbit. 现在,哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔的命运如何完全依靠于科学家们实施的一项杂交繁育计划。
None is thought to exist in the wild, which means the two females Lolo and Bryn are the only known purebred pygmy rabbits left in existence. 这就意味着,剩下的这两只雌性侏儒兔&露露和布莱恩,是目前已知的世界上仅存的两只血统纯正的哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔。
Two black baby pygmy goats were left. 剩下两只矮脚小黑羊。
Rare newborn albino Pygmy Marmoset monkeys perched on a zookeeper's fingers. 稀有的新出生白子侏儒狨猴栖息在一位动物园管理员的手指上。
Small sometimes shrubby tree native to California; often used as an ornamental; in some classification systems includes the Pygmy cypress and the Santa Cruz cypress. 原产加州的一种灌木状小型树种;经常做装饰用;包括俾格米柏和矮柏。