The book is both a history and a passionate polemic for tolerance. 这本书既是一段历史,也是一篇主张宽容的激情论辩。
He enjoys polemics, persuasion, and controversy. 他喜欢辩论、说服和争议。
I want to make something that lives with the eye as a beautiful piece of art, but on closer inspection, a polemic or an ideology will come out of it '. 我想让眼中看到的东西是漂亮的艺术品,但仔细检查,将会发现其中所涌现出的一种争议或思想意识。
The Period from 1693 to 1722. It was a period marked by the polemic between Emperor Kangxi and the Pope over the Chinese rites. 1693年至1722年,为康熙皇帝与罗马教廷就中国礼仪进行论战的阶段。
A polemic against the government. 反对政府的激烈言辞。
Early 1940s Polemic About "Women Returing Home" Issue 20世纪40年代初关于妇女回家问题的论战
It is precisely this emerging science of genetic engineering that lies at the heart of today's biotech polemic. 正是这门基因工程的新兴科学成为现今生物技术争论的焦点。
He wrote a splendid polemic in my favour. 他写了一篇出色的文章为我辩护。
Analysis of the Historical Vicissitude and Significance of the Polemic Subjects of "The Two Cultures" 两种文化论战主题的历史变迁与意义分析
The chapters on Contemporary Shanghai are a little too polemic, but I think Denison and Ren are right to conclude that Pudong has been "a great missed opportunity". 书中有关当代上海的章节颇具争议,但我认为,两位作者将浦东称为“一个被错失的巨大机遇”的结论颇为正确。
Like Chaucer, Woolf chose to understand as well as to judge, to know her society root and branch& a decision crucial in order to produce art rather than polemic. 正如乔叟一样,伍尔芙选择去理解判断,去彻底了解她所置身的社会&去创造艺术而不是争论性文章,这才是至关重要的决定。
His book is part personal memoir, part history and part polemic [ 7]. 他的作品集个人回忆、历史记述与观点争鸣于一身。
Fans will find plenty to sustain them in this poignant coda to a life marked by great feats of penmanship, scholarly insight and contemporary polemic. 朱特的一生以高超的书法造诣、博学的洞察力和同时代的论战著称,崇拜者们将从这部令人哀伤的绝唱中找到充足的看点。
She has published a fierce anti-war polemic. 她发表了一份言辞激烈的反战文章。
Polemic on the nature of Chinese rural community 中国农村社会性质论战
An uplifting gospel tune with a ferocious polemic on the monstrosity of Hollywood culture? 高亢的福音曲调之后,是对好莱坞文化这个怪兽的激烈驳斥。
A polemic article, speech, etc. 挑起争论的文章、讲话等。
In place of the scholarly tome that many people expected of him, Mr White has produced a polemic, and not a very good one at that. 怀特先生出版了一本并非人们所期待的博学的大部头,而是一本有争议的不是太好的小作品。
The Significance of the Polemic between Philip J.Foster and Thomas Balogh on the Reform of Chinese Vocational Education 福斯特与巴洛夫论战对当前中国职业教育改革的意义
On the Artistic Polemic during the Harlem Renaissance 哈莱姆文艺复兴期间的文艺论战
Fundamentally speaking, the polemic on the value identification spring from different interpretations of identification conception. 从根本上说,当前围绕着价值认同所展开的争论都是源于人们对认同概念的不同理解。
Hayek heavily strikes his rationalist opponents with his polemic theory-building style and negative evolutionary cognitive method. 哈耶克的理论以其论战式的理论建构风格和否定性的进化认知方法对其论战的对手&唯理性主义构成了强大的冲击。
The article believes that tbe polemic between them in 1920s in the early period of Soviet Industrialization is at issue on how to choose the economic structure of industrialization and development strategy. 20年代在苏联工业化初期所发生的布哈林与普列奥布拉任斯基之间的争论,是一场有关在资金短缺的背景下如何选择工业化的经济体制与发展战略之争。
Study Ancient Literary Polemic's Content and Its Sort 试谈古代文学论争的内容及其分类
The personnel working for construction project goals should not only apprehend their meanings respectively, and grasp the control methods respectively, but also realize and grasp the polemic relation between them. 工程项目目标控制人员,不仅要理解它们各自的含义,掌握各自的控制方法,而且还要认识及掌握它们之间的辩证关系。
Regretfully, this attempt is eventually suffocated by Hegel's polemic mentalism. 但遗憾的是,这种努力又在黑格尔庞大的思辨唯心主义体系中被最终窒息了;
The argument that occurred in the former Soviet Union 20th century 30's between Vavilov and Lysenko was about the genetics and a selective breeding polemic. It has tremendous influence to former Soviet Union's scientific status, the scientific level and the agricultural production. 瓦维洛夫与李森科的争论是发生在前苏联20世纪30年代的关于遗传学、育种学等方面的一场论战,对前苏联的科学水平、科学发展及农业生产产生了深远影响。
A Major Polemic on Socialism a Hundred Years Ago 百年前一场关于社会主义的大论战
In the only one hour the lecture has facilitated a time consuming polemic in the contemporary thinking history. 当年短短一个多小时的演讲促成了当代思想史上一场旷日持久的论战。
Then, the article makes a comparative analysis about the contents and viewpoints of both sides on the basis of restoring the polemic background and describing the process of debate. 继而,在还原论战背景、叙述论战过程的基础上,对论战内容及双方的观点主张进行了对比分析。
mid 17th cent.: via medieval Latin from Greek polemikos, from polemoswar