言简意赅的;精练的 short but expressed well and full of meaning
adj. 有髓的,多髓的;精练的;简洁有力的
concise,terse,to the point,brief,sharp
His pithy advice to young painters was, 'Above all, keep your colours fresh.' 他对年轻画家言简意赅的建议是,“首要的一点,保持色彩鲜艳。”
Many of them made a point of praising the film's pithy dialogue. 他们中很多人特别赞扬了影片精炼的对白。
A pithy statement& glib, even. 一番简洁有力的陈述&甚至可以说巧舌如簧。
This, plus his easy, pithy writing style and ability to cut to the heart of any argument, has made him the most popular and widely read management writer of all time. 再加上他简洁、洗练的写作风格以及迅速切入主题的能力,这使他成为迄今最受欢迎的管理学畅销书作者。
You've probably gathered from that pithy review that a lot of XML transformation is simply about input and output. 通过简单的回顾可能已经了解到,许多XML转换只是关于输入和输出的。
Francis Bacon's assays are as concise and pithy as anything. 弗朗西斯·培根的文章非常简明精辟。
A short pithy instructive saying. 短小精炼具有教育意义的话。
"The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs, which are Brief and pithy" 国家智慧,寓于格言,它们精辟,而且简练
South African globular fruit with brown leathery skin and sweet-acid pithy flesh. 南非出产的球形水果,有褐色坚韧的果皮、酸甜木髓的果肉。
From the surface of language, idioms are in perfect harmony, pithy style and entirety; and from the connotation, they have the beauty of Unconvention and cultural implication. 从语言表层看,英语习语具有和谐美,简洁美,整体美;从语言内涵看,英语习语具有非常规美,文化内涵美。
A pithy comment, remark, saying, etc The critic knew a little French. 简要的评论、话、谚语等.评论员懂得一点法语。
Concise, pithy; abounding with maxims and proverbs. 简洁的,警句的,富于格言的,说教的。
This thesis gives a detailed introduction of a pithy formula, which applied to estimate discharge energy and discharge resistance of shunt capacitor, with the help of experience coefficient. 介绍了用经验公式估算无功并联电容器的放电能量和放电电阻的口诀。
The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs which are brief and pithy. 民族之智慧蕴藏于其简短而有力的谚语中。
'Asunny place for shady people, was W. Somerset Maugham's pithy summation of Monaco, the tax haven and wealthy resort in the south of France close to where the writer lived for much of his life. 为见不得光之人准备的阳光天堂,这是作家W•萨默塞特•毛姆(W.SomersetMaugham)对摩纳哥的精炼总结。他就在这个法国南部避税天堂和富人度假胜地附近度过了大半生的时光。
The teacher Pithy Formula give you a multiplication table, hope to see you back home to their meaning, not the multiplication such as what this kind of question. 老师给你一张乘法口诀表,希望看到你带回家把它们背熟,而不是问一些诸如乘法是什么这类的问题。
A short and compendious book; a compact style is brief and pithy; succinct comparisons; a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject. 简洁扼要的书;紧凑的风格就是简要、精练;简练的对比;对范围广阔学科的简明扼要的表述。
His preaching was ingenious and pithy. 他的传教是发人深省的,精辟有力的。
This article is to introduce a speeded-up teaching method of reciting the pithy formula and Memorizing the etymon and practicing bare-handed. 该文介绍一种五笔字型背口诀记字根及徒手练习速成教学方法。
His pithy comments knocked the bottom out of my argument. 他精辟的评论驳倒了我的论点。
Making use of "pithy formula law" and "induction" can facilitate drawing process improve the drawing speed and the drawing accuracy, and can also improve students interest and efficiency in studying. 学会利用“口诀法”和“归纳法”画内力图能简化作图过程,提高作图的速度和作图的准确性,也能提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效率。
This was a pithy summary of a mountain of reports from congressional committees, scientific panels and business groups. 上述评论提炼出了国会委员会、科学小组和商业团体得出的众多报告的实质内容。
A short pithy saying expressing a general truth. 表达普遍真理的一句短小精炼的话。
This shows in the long years of chu, precipitation, the humanities'bring you a pithy noved impression, interpretation of hubei memories. 本册展现了在悠悠岁月中,沉淀的荆楚人文风物之精粹,带您一道品鉴湖北印象,解读荆楚往事。
Moreover, the pithy sayings in gnomic style such as what you introduced here seem more suitable for children. 而且,较之我所介绍的冗长故事而言,您所展示的这类箴言式的短句可能更适合孩子的胃口。
At the time, this pithy summary of US-European differences had the ring of truth. 当时,这个关于欧美差异的精辟概括成为一句至理名言。
Unfortunately the wolf demon had cheated little monkey of the pithy formula. 但老狼已经从小猴口中骗取了马兰花的口诀。
All these myths can be neatly summarized in a pithy slogan: it's the customer, stupid. 所有这些都可以总结成一句话:重要的是客户。
It also analyses the origin of the pithy formula and experience coefficient, and presents the physical prospect accordingly. 分析了估算口诀、估算公式的来源和物理意义。