Some of the players may, on occasion, break the rules and be penalized 这些球员中有些偶尔可能会违规而受罚。
Use of the car is penalized by increasing the fares of parking lots 通过提高停车费,变相制裁车辆的使用。
Bad teaching is not penalized in a formal way. 教学质量低下没有受到正式处罚。
Monahan also argues that managers need to penalize or dismiss employees that commit unethical acts. 莫纳汉还认为,管理者需要惩罚、开除有不道德行为的员工。
The recently passed Affordable Care Act clarified employers 'ability to financially penalize employees for unhealthy behavior. 最近通过的美国平价医保法(AffordableCareAct)明确指出,企业可以对员工的不健康生活方式进行经济处罚。
If you penalize employees more for failed action than for inaction, most employees will prefer to not take action rather than mess up. 如果员工因为行动失败所受处罚多于不行动,大多数员工都会宁愿不行动,也不愿将事情搞得一团糟。
Article 29 The relevant State authorities shall penalize, in accordance with laws and statutory regulations, business operators for illegal and criminal acts that infringe upon the legal rights and interests of consumers during the provision of commodities and services. 第二十九条有关国家机关应当依照法律、法规的规定,惩处经营者在提供商品和服务中侵害消费者合法权益的违法犯罪行为。
Considering the lad was a minor, judges did not simply try the case and penalize him. 考虑到这个男孩还是个未成年人,法官并没有简单地审判并惩处这个男孩。
Last but not least, we need to penalize those companies which breach laws and regulations severely and effectively curb the spread of the vulgar promotion of online games. 四是对违反相关法律法规,情节严重的,要坚决依法处罚,有效遏制网络游戏低俗推广现象的蔓延。
For example, maybe insertions are more common and you'd want to penalize them less than deletions. 例如,可能插入更常见,所以插入扣的分要比删除少。
But the Ukrainians have accused the Russians of deliberately setting unfair terms to penalize the government in Kiev for tying itself more closely to the West. 但乌克兰人控诉称,为了惩罚与西方关系愈发密切的位于基辅的乌国政府,俄方故意设置了不公平的条件。
Each Member shall prohibit and penalize any kind of victimization of a seafarer for filing a complaint. 各成员国应禁止和惩处以任何形式对提出投诉的海员进行迫害的行为。
Conclusion: sometimes a strict regulation is indispensable to penalize unpunctuality due to the inertia of people. 总结:有的时候由于人的惰性一个严格的制度对惩罚不守时是必不可少的。
The laws penalize local councils that do not follow central government directives. 一法律处罚不遵守中央政府命令的地方委员会。
One continuing obstacle: trade barriers maintained by wealthy industrial nations that penalize sectors, such as cotton, where African producers might succeed internationally. 一个仍然存在的障碍是:富裕的工业化国家持续的贸易壁垒意味着对某些部门的惩罚,如像棉花这样的非洲生产者可能获得国际成功的部门。
"In effect what you do is penalize rural families and large families and use the increase in price those families to subsidize city dwellers and rich families that tend to use smaller cars," he said. “实际上你这样做是处罚乡下的家庭和大的家庭,大车辆价格的增长使那些家庭补贴城市居民和更愿意使用较小的汽车的富有家庭,”,他说。
Fourthly, the responding system of "the additional condition by which extradition may be permitted in the country which was asked" should be detailed so as to extradite and penalize the suspect. 四是细化对“被请求国就准予引渡附加条件”的回应制度,以及时有效地引渡和惩治外逃犯罪嫌疑人。
Apparently GWO and Google Search are integrated, and Google knows when you're testing and won't penalize you. 显然黄国和谷歌搜索集成,和谷歌知道,当你测试,不会惩罚你。
To create a system to reward or penalize hotel staffs and departments who have made outstanding or underperformed result of IQ testing. 为了更加科学和系统地奖励或惩罚在IQ考核中获得优异成绩或低于标准成绩的酒店员工和部门。
It is to lack penalize severely measure, break the law violate plan cost cheap. 三是缺少严厉的惩处措施,违法违规成本低廉。
Such large support programs shield non-competitive producers, and penalize efficient producers, often in poor countries. 如此大规模的支持计划庇护了没有竞争力的生产者,而惩罚了高效率的生产者,而后者往往在贫困国家。
How can a referee penalize a player? 裁判怎样处罚犯规运动员?
We are resolved to crack down on the person who commits violations of law and discipline. Together with the union, we put some teeth into the rules to penalize the chronic offenders. 坚决制裁违法乱纪分子。我们和工会一道严格地执行规定,处分了长期违返纪律的人。
To penalize by fining or demanding forfeiture. 处以罚金罚款或强制没收以示惩罚。
The association decided not to penalize you for the race. 赛马协会决定对你不予处罚。
Legislation to penalize adults whose children do not wear motorcycle helmets has been proposed in Viet Nam. 越南已经提出立法惩罚那些不给自己孩子佩戴头盔的成人。
In track cycling, there are some ways to punish: admonition, penalize time, fine, and debase class. 在自行车运动中,违规罚责有:警告、罚时间、罚款和降低名次。
Be careful though not to overdo it, as search engines penalize "keyword stuffing". 但这种事千万别过度,不然搜索引擎会认为你在耍关键字的小把戏。
By being so cautious in respect to leverage, we penalize our returns by a minor amount. 出于对杠杆作用的这种谨慎态度,我们将回报率设定在一个较小的数值上。
Developing countries fear new agreements could penalize them. 发展中国家担心新协议会对其不利。