It is happening in this fashion because of the obstinacy of one woman. 事情会如此发展是因为一个女人的固执己见。
It is a very accountable obstinacy. 这是一种完全可以理解的固执态度。
The most curious were baffled by her silence and the most tenacious by her obstinacy. 最好奇的人在她那种沉默面前,最顽强的人在她那种固执面前也都毫无办法。
I put down my dignity, personality and obstinacy for the sake of you who I am unable to put down. 我放下了尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都只是因为放不下你。
In response, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said yesterday: China is strongly disappointed and sternly opposes the Japanese leader's obstinacy regarding his wrong position. 对此,外交部发言人秦刚昨天表示:中方对日本领导人在钓鱼岛问题上顽固坚持错误立场表示强烈不满和坚决反对。
I resisted the proposal with obstinacy. 我顽强地反对他的提议。
I resisted the proposal with obstinacy; and now I began to arm myself with arguments. 我顽强地反对他的提议,用许多道理来维护自己。
Robertson uttered not a word of reflection on his companion for the consequences of his obstinacy. 罗伯逊对于他的同伴的固执己见所造成的后果只字未提。
He was vain of that unwavering obstinacy which no influence of love or pity had ever been known to bend from its remorseless purpose. 他固执得毫不动摇,从未听说过爱情和同情的影响使他背离残忍的目标,而且他以这种固执自负。
He denounced the obstinacy of the transport minister. 他谴责运输部长的顽固不化。
He had told Tu chu-chai that Wu sun-fu's obstinacy and over-confidence would be his downfall. 他说荪甫那样的刚愎自信是祸根。
Her obstinacy has me up a tree. 她的倔犟使我进退两难。
Indicating personality traits, such as meticulousness, avarice, and obstinacy, originating in habits, attitudes, or values associated with infantile pleasure in retention of feces. 肛门克制型的:指具有谨小慎微、贪婪,和固执的性格特征的,源于与儿童时期克制粪便排泄产生的快感有关而形成的习惯,态度和价值观。
Has anyone ever seen such obstinacy, or a robbery like this? 谁曾见过这样的死心眼儿,这样的偷盗活动?
She knew too much of the obstinacy of men to oppose any of their ridiculous humours. 她深深懂得男人那股执拗性子,也就不硬去反对这种荒唐想法了。
He bit the file to English obstinacy and broke his teeth. 他要打破英国人的顽固而折断了牙齿。
The obstinacy of the government over a few divisive issues presents a perpetual risk to the north-south peace accord. 政府在一些分歧性问题上的固执表明南北和平协定的长期风险。
Because of your obstinacy. 因为你的固执。
My friend could not understand his parents '"obstinacy" at first. To compromise, the designer suggested that the bed be modified into an antique. 好友起先还不了解父母的顽固,设计师还提出了把床铺当古董改装的折衷方法。
Because of your obstinacy, you may get yourself into a situation where your gallant fellow townsmen will be forced to avenge you by stringing up a few darkies. 因为你的固执,你可能给自己惹出事来,那时本城一些正义的男人便不得不去吊死几个黑人替你报仇。
Until recently, coke had a reputation for obstinacy in the face of criticism. 最近,可口可乐还背上了面对批评不思悔改的恶名。
Cindy's anger usually made him stand firm to the point of obstinacy. 辛迪一发怒,常常使他坚持自见,并达到执拗的地步。
He had called several members of his family to witness to his wife's obstinacy. 他叫了他家的几位亲属来证明他妻子的固执。
Many would say that Mr Bush also had perseverance, carried to the point of dull-witted obstinacy, but nobody ever accused him of pragmatism. 许多人会说,布什也曾经锲而不舍,甚至达到了愚蠢固执的程度,但从没有人认为他是个实用主义者。
Now he had become his destroyer a second time, since, but for his obstinacy Robertson might have effected his escape. 现在他又第二次毁了他,要不是他刚愎自用,罗伯逊也许已经逃脱。
Resulting from willfulness and obstinacy. 由于任性和固执引起的。
Unless pride and obstinacy come into play, common sense tells you when to give up a struggle. 除非骄傲和固执起作用,常识会告诉你什么时候放弃斗争。
It's known by the name of perseverance in a good cause, and obstinacy in a bad one. 目的好之时叫做忍耐,目的不好则叫做固执。
I detected a certain obstinacy in his attitude. 我发觉他的态度有几分固执。
A cross with a bull-dog has affected for many generations the courage and obstinacy of greyhounds. 把猎犬和斗牛狗杂交可影响许多代猎犬的勇猛和顽固性。