The Government still has a myopic attitude to spending. 政府在开支问题上仍然目光短浅。
She is slightly myopic. 她稍微有点儿近视。
Eye experts say that you are myopic if your vision is blurred beyond 2m ( 6.6ft). 根据眼科专家的说法,如果你的视力超过2米(6.6英尺)就模糊不清,那你就是近视。
What is the principle with laser surgery myopic cure? 激光手术治疗近视的原理是什么?
Kappa angle adjustment on higher order aberration after LASIK in myopic eyes Kappa角调整近视性LASIK手术对术后高阶像差的影响
Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of brilliant blue G ( BBG) assisted internal limiting membrane ( ILM) peeling on pathological myopic macular holes with retinal detachment. 目的评估亮蓝(BBG)辅助视网膜内界膜(ILM)剥离治疗病理性近视黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离的安全性和有效性。
Objective To observe the effect of laser photocoagulation of the peripheral retinal hole sand/ or degeneration in myopic. 目的观察对近视眼的周边视网膜变性和/或裂孔进行预防性光凝的疗效。
How need not let myopic degree deepen? 怎样可以不让近视的度数加深?
How to control myopic development? 怎样控制近视的发展?
Objective To investigate the influence of myopic optical defocus on the emmetropization of infant rhesus monkeys. 研究近视性光学离焦对幼恒河猴正视化过程的影响。
Malaysian politicians are being myopic and absurd. 马国政客的短视和荒谬。
The Research of Retinal Structure and Function in Children with Myopia and Myopic Amblyopia 近视及近视性弱视儿童视网膜结构与功能性研究
The IOP level of myopic patients went up with diopter increasing. 结果:近视病人的眼压水平随屈光度增加而升高;
Retinal detachment, myopic maculopathy, glaucoma, and cataract are four major complications can cause blindness. 网膜剥离、高度近视性黄斑部病变、青光眼、白内障是四大重要并发症可导致失明。
Periodic visual field and three dimensional disc examination are important for high myopic patients. 定期视野及三度空间视神经的检查在高度近视病患是重要的。
Treating myopic operation is good after all, bad still? 治疗近视的手术到底是好,还是不好?
Myopic refraction of all patients was within ± 1.00D. 术后近视屈光度均在±100D以内。
Relationship between Myopic Refraction and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness 人视网膜神经纤维层厚度与近视屈光度的相关性研究
And there was no significant difference among three groups of different myopic diopter. 三组不同屈光度患者暗适应下瞳孔大小经方差分析无显著差异。
She thinks Tom is myopic and should see a good optician. 她认为汤姆是近视眼的,应该去找个好眼镜商看看。
Anybody who thinks that the present fragile recovery represents success with these tasks is myopic, at best. 如果有人认为,当前不堪一击的经济复苏代表着这些任务已经获得成功,目光短浅就是对他们最好的评价了。
This method, can wash eyes of harmful substances and dirt, and also for mild cataract effectively, and can improve, farsightedness, astigmatism myopic lasik corruptive degree. 此法,能洗去眼中的有害物质和灰尘,还对轻度白内障有效,并能改善散光、远视、近视的屈光不正程度。
Relationship of different diopter of myopic eyes and gender with central corneal thickness, corneal curvature and intraocular pressure 近视患者屈光度及性别与角膜中央厚度、角膜曲率和眼压的关系
Higher order aberration and visual quality analysis in myopic astigmatism eyes 近视散光眼高阶像差和视觉质量的关系
Visual performance of Wavefront-guided LASIK with Iris-registration for myopic astigmatism 虹膜定位波前像差引导的LASIK治疗近视散光术后视觉质量的研究
Clinical observation of LASIK for myopia and myopic astigmatism LASIK治疗近视散光的临床观察
Unfortunately, corporate risk management tends to gloss over network effects and it is quite often myopic. 遗憾的是,企业风险管理往往掩盖了这种网络效应,并且经常缺乏远见。
Clinical observation of Array multifocal intraocular lens implantation in the highly myopic patients with cataract 高度近视合并白内障患者植入Array多焦点人工晶状体的临床观察
Research on binocular single vision after LASIK treating adult myopic anisometropia 成人近视性屈光参差LASIK术后双眼单视功能的建立
Perioperative nursing of patient for LASIK surgery for myopia and myopic astigmatism LASIK手术治疗近视及近视散光围手术期护理