畸形的;扭曲变形的 with a shape that is not normal or natural
misshapen feet 畸形脚
Her hands were misshapen by arthritis. 她的双手因为关节炎而扭曲变形了。
Each one of these names corresponds to a variety of those misshapen fungi from the under side of civilization. 这些名字中的每一个都代表文明底下的那些奇形怪状的毒蕈中的一种。
Misshapen from my birth-hour, how could I delude myself with the idea that intellectual gifts might veil physical deformity in a young girl's fantasy! 我生来畸形,我怎能自欺,竟以为知识和智能可以在年轻站娘的心目中掩盖肉体的缺陷!
Before you lay your bra out, make sure the cups aren't misshapen or folded, and use a towel to blot up excess water ( don't wring or twist the bra). 摆放文胸前,要确保罩杯没有变形或褶皱,用毛巾吸干多余的水分(不要挤或拧文胸)。
Because they really do make your misshapen face look better. 因为墨镜确实让你那不规则的脸变得更好看。
Imagine having difficulty walking, let alone exercising, because of pain and misshapen bones. 想象一下,连走路都有困难,更不要说锻炼,因为疼痛和骨骼变形。
Include all happiness and misshapen, fill in of years cadaverous, of darning life empty. 包容一切美好与残缺,填写岁月的苍白,织补生命的空洞。
My knee is misshapen or unable to move. 我的膝盖有点畸形,也不能动。
The Inorganic bipeds seemed to be the last word in the strangely perverse Invid design preferences, misshapen and wrongly articulated to Earthly eyes. 双足无机兽们想必是因维人古怪反常设计偏好下开发的最新品种,用地球人的眼光来看,不仅奇形怪状而且关节错位。
Deformed thalidomide babies; his poor distorted limbs; an ill-shapen vase; a limp caused by a malformed foot; misshapen old fingers. She was crippled by arthritis. 畸形的镇定剂婴儿;他四肢畸形;难看的花瓶;因足部畸形而一跛一跛地走;苍老变形的手指。她因患风湿病而跛足。
Their legs were misshapen from their heavy work and all the back-breaking tasks that make up the life of the agricultural laborer. 农事劳动者生活中的繁重工作和极端劳累,使得他们的腿都变成畸形的了。
The misshapen cells lack plasticity and can block small blood vessels, impairing blood flow. 畸形细胞缺乏可塑性,会阻塞毛细血管,阻碍血液流动。
The most disturbing trait of the derro female is her misshapen fingernails and stunted hands. 女性迪洛矮人最令人不安的特征是畸形的指甲和发育不良的手。
A little oldish misshapen stooping woman. 上了年纪的畸形驼背的小女人。
From his bed, he showed me the many sores and scars on his misshapen body and all the bottles for medicine. 躺在床上,他给我看他那被岁月扭曲了的躯体上的疤痕,以及他所有的药瓶儿。
His knee is misshapen and unable to move. 他的膝盖有点畸形,不能动。
He spoke with solemnity and his colossal misshapen nose made what he said very quaint. 他一本正经地说清,他那丑陋的大鼻子使他说的话显得非常古怪。
Shall weave old England's winding sheet. A large white winding-sheet covered the corpse and partly outlined its misshapen contours. 为老英格兰织起裹尸布。一块巨大的白色裹尸布裹着尸体,从外面可以看出尸体的轮廓。
Indeed, the catalog of infirmities in cloned animals includes everything from grossly enlarged placentas and umbilical cords and fatty livers to hypertension and misshapen heads. 事实上,克隆动物所患疾病各式各样,从胎盘、脐带肿大和脂肪肝到高血压和头部畸形等等。
About a fifth of each annual watermelon crop is left in the field because of surface blemishes or because they are misshapen. 每年约有五分之一的西瓜因外表瑕疵或形状不规则而被丢弃。
If he had been small or puny or sickly or misshapen he would've been discarded. 如果他很瘦小或者羸弱或者多病或者畸形,他就会被丢弃。
Having established Perseus as a fearless hunk, however, the misshapen script won't give him a girl to love. 不过,在畸形的剧本把珀修斯塑造成一个无所畏惧的大块头之后,却不给他一个姑娘来爱。
Discoveries in the past eight years have revealed a connection between mutations and either the buildup of misshapen proteins or the failure of the cell's protective machinery. 过去八年来的发现,指出了突变和错误蛋白堆积或细胞保护机具缺失有关。
She relished her new pool and spent hours swimming, diving and flapping those misshapen, yet rapidly developing wings. 它喜欢那新池子,一天几个小时游水,潜水,拍动它那形状怪异但迅速长大的翅膀。
He still took out the jacka's letter, misshapen from pockets and soggy with sweat. 他又从口袋里掏出杰卡这封皱巴巴的,汗水浸湿的信。
Idealism has a role to play& it can convince us that no matter how misshapen, decrepit, or dull we are, there is someone out there for us. 理想主义有一个作用&它使我们相信,无论我们多么畸形,衰老,或呆滞,总会有人帮助我们。
The figures themselves, with their misshapen heads, animal-like ears and half-formed limbs are also likeapparitions out of the subconscious. 这些人物自身那些畸形的脑袋,动物状的耳朵和残缺的肢体,更像是潜意识的投影。
An affliction in which some part of the body is misshapen or malformed. 由于身体的某个部位畸形而痛苦。
For retailers and manufacturers, poorly packed, broken and misshapen packages make up an increasingly large chunk of their shipments. 对于零售商和制造商来说,包装欠佳、损坏和奇形怪状的包裹日益成为它们发货中的巨大组成部分。
However, so seriously misshapen egg is rare in our daily life. 然而,如此畸形的蛋在我们的日常生活中还是比较罕见。