Since then, while the firm remained small, it had achieved a merited reputation for high-quality prescription products. 从那以后,尽管公司还是小企业,但在制造高质量的处方药品方面已是声誉卓著。
For, though your accusations were ill-founded, formed on mistaken premises, my behaviour to you at the time had merited the severest reproof. 虽然你的指斥都没有根据,都是听到人家以讹传讹,可是我那次对你的态度,实在应该受到最严厉的责备。
A CD from the Korean People's Army Merited Chorus. 朝鲜人民军国家功勋合唱团的一个激光唱片。
Minutes from the March 18 rate-setting meeting noted that several members of the Federal Open Market Committee expected a move to be merited in June given the improved economic outlook. 3月18日议息会议的会议纪要指出,联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)几名成员认为,考虑到经济前景已经改善,预计6月份加息举措的时机就会成熟。
So he found a mentor within the company who agreed with Mr. Eddleman that his performance and leadership ability merited the promotion. 因此,他在公司内部找了一名与他意见一致的导师,认为他凭借自身业绩和领导能力理应升职。
This is reverting back to a position where they want to tell the market it should be pretty much on standby for a change in monetary policy as and when the Fed thinks it is merited. 此举标志着美联储回到原来的立场,希望告诉市场:市场基本上应当随时准备好迎接货币政策的变化&只要美联储认为改变政策是可取的。
To be sure, one might have doubted, after the wayward and impatient existence she had led, whether she merited a haven of peace at last. 的确,有人可以怀疑,在她度过了任性的、急躁的一生后,到末了她配不配得到和平的安息之处。
Since the figure was above the threshold for a new account, I merited extra services and was therefore no longer qualified to apply by phone. 由于我报出的数字大于开设新账户的阀值,我被告知有资格获得额外服务,因此不再满足电话申请开户的条件。
That brave deed merited a better reward. 这种勇敢的行为应该得到更好的奖赏。
A just punishment ( reward) not merited or deserved. 应得的惩罚(报酬)
The crime I'd committed that merited throwing me out of the neighborhood? 我犯了什么使他们要把我撵走的罪过吗?
The accident merited only a small paragraph in the local paper. 这个意外事件只值得在本地报纸上登一小段。
In what way did those who merited the help if Allah first receive it, if not in some miraculous manner? 那些值得真主佑助的人们最初又是怎么得到帮助的呢,假如不是以一种奇迹般的方式?
When the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in April, killing 11, it did not, at first, attract the attention it merited, probably because we thought it would be swiftly dealt with. 该公司深水地平线(DeepwaterHorizon)钻井平台4月发生爆炸,导致11人丧生。一开始,这一事故并未引起应有的重视,很大的原因是人们以为问题很快会得到解决。
He gave the project his blessing; his decision merited the approval of any sensible person. 他的决定得到所有明智人士的认同。
"Between the possibility of being hanged in all innocence, and the certainty of a public and merited disgrace, no gentleman of spirit could long hesitate"( Robert Louis Stevenson). “在有可能被无辜绞死和一定要公开并丢脸之间,有灵魂的先生们决不会长久地犹豫不决”(罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森)。
Yes, young man, Italy owes to you an undertaking which has merited the applause of the universe. 是的,年轻人,意大利由于有了你们,得以成就这项寰宇称颂的伟业。
The president said China's proposal that the dollar give way to a global reserve currency merited consideration in the medium term, particularly if the US economy faltered badly. 李明博称,从中期来看,中国提出用全球储备货币取代美元的提议值得考虑,特别是在美国经济严重衰退的情况下。
This "wage premium" reflects the extent to which workers have been able to extract more pay than is merited by their qualifications. 这一“工资溢价”反映的是工人所获得的薪酬要比其能力所应得的多出多少。
This grace cannot be merited; it proceeds solely from the love and mercy of God. 此宽限期不能功勋,它的收益,因此单从爱与慈悲的上帝。
He got what was coming to him. not merited or deserved. 他受到应得的报应。不应得的或不应当的。
He merited all the praise which had been given to him. 他理应受到人们给他的一切称赞。
He merited all the praise they gave him. 他应该受到他们的赞扬。
He was literally putting more money into some of the former colonies of the former Soviet empire than the US government, so that merited treating him as someone with a very high impact. 他在前苏联一些殖民地投入的钱确实比美国政府还多,因此视他为极具影响力的人物是应当的。
Lowell, who succeeded him in the chair, also merited the appointment. 接替他出任这个教职的洛威尔也极其称职。
Step two would be to produce a budget for top pay, so that if one executive merited exceptional rewards, others would have to take less. 第二步措施应该是制定高管薪酬预算,从而在一名高管应得到超额奖励时,其他高管将不得不少拿报酬。
The cynic's response would be that the comparative advantage was largely illusory anyway and that the skills of bankers in New York, London and Zurich were so destructive that they scarcely merited the name. 愤世嫉俗者会这样回答:那种相对优势大体上是虚幻的,纽约、伦敦和苏黎世等地银行家的技能具有如此大的破坏性,他们几乎配不上这个名称。
Larnell Cole's first-ever call-up to England is thoroughly merited, according to Reserves coach Warren Joyce. 拉内尔。科尔首次入选了国青队,预备队教练沃伦。乔西认为他入选理所当然。
In that regard, the idea of a development impact assessment merited serious consideration. 就此而言,对发展影响评估的想法值得认真考虑。
From the results obtained, the herbs of Ap and Mc deed merited to further development against LDL oxidation. 由这些结果显示穿心莲与仙草是最值得进一步开发为降低LDL氧化效果的草药。