The economy has entered a sharp downturn, and unemployment and insolvencies can be expected to increase. 经济形势急转直下,失业与破产现象预计将会增多。
The company is on the verge of insolvency. 该公司快要破产了。
The company was delisted for insolvency. 该公司因无力偿债而被退市。
We discussed Detroit's poverty, crime, depopulation and insolvency. 我们讨论了底特律的贫穷、犯罪、人口减少和无力偿债等情况。
Zou vocalists: personal insolvency regime is the significance of the equal protection of the interests of creditors. 邹海林:个人破产制度的重要意义在于保护了债权人的平等利益。
The second is that this is a problem of insolvency. 第二种认为,这是是否资不抵债的问题。
Market fears of bank insolvency, particularly, have been assuaged. 市场对银行资不抵债的担忧,尤其得到了舒缓。
Any other enactment which is concerned with or in any way related to the insolvency of a person. 及由与任何人的无偿债能力有关的其他成文法则所制定,或根据该成文法则所制定的所有条文。
Normal insolvency procedures should not be applied to banks. 通常的破产程序不应当适用于银行。
This is a turnaround for the sugar business, previously notorious for exploited labour, insolvency and pollution. 这是一个制糖行业转折的机会,以前制糖行业因为其剥削劳工、破产和污染等而臭名远扬。
Either Party hereto may terminate this Agreement in the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the other party. 本协议任何一方可以在对方破产或资不抵债的情况下终止本协议。
Balance sheets would become unbalanced and widespread default, insolvency and bankruptcy would result. 资产负债表将失去平衡,大面积违约、资不抵债和破产的情况将陆续出现。
The idea of my insolvency cooled down her flames immediately. 一想到我破产了,她的热情顿时冷却。
Siemens declined to comment on how the insolvency would affect its business. 西门子拒绝评论破产将对其业务产生何种影响。
Put simply Ireland like Greece is on a path to near or complete insolvency. 简而言之,就像希腊一样,爱尔兰走上了一条接近或彻底破产的道路。
This ratio tells analysts how well creditors are protected in case of a corporation's insolvency. 这一比率告诉分析者,债权人的利益能够被保障到何种程度。
Leaders have mistaken a problem of insolvency for one of illiquidity. 欧洲领导人错把无力偿债问题当成了流动性不足问题。
What does not transfer where the transferor employer is subject to insolvency proceedings? 在转让方雇主处于破产程序下时,那些东西不能转让?
Part II of this article discusses the agency cost problems prevalent in the zone of insolvency. 本文的第二部分讨论了破产领域的现行代理成本问题。
Negotiations with Asian investors are said to continue, but the insolvency administrator denied any information. 而与亚洲投资者的谈判据说还在继续,不过MichaelJaffé否认了这一消息。
Slower growth and foreign debt will not help resolve insolvency. 增长放缓和外部债务,对于解决资不抵债的问题于事无补。
It says this is part of a plan to save the firm from insolvency. 它表示,这是防止公司破产的部分计划。
Otherwise, the jurisdiction of English courts depends on the insolvency act of England. 否则将依英国的破产法确定英国法院是否有管辖权。
The company acknowledged that insolvency could not be ruled out if the court refused to do so. 萨博已经确认,如果法院拒绝批准该申请,不能排除破产可能。
Bankruptcy: legal state of insolvency. 破产:合法的无清偿能力的状态。
The bank had forced him into insolvency. 银行逼得他破了产。
Therefore, China's market economy development of an objective need, China should expand the eligibility of the main part of insolvency law, establish and improve the personal bankruptcy system. 因此,我国市场经济发展的客观需要,我国应扩大破产法主体资格范围,建立和完善个人破产制度。
As the largest creditor, Germany could dictate punitive terms of assistance, which pushed debtors towards insolvency. 作为最大的债权国,德国能够在援助中附加惩罚性条款,从而将债务国推向了破产境地。
But healthcare and higher education costs continue to soar and employee pension plans are nearing insolvency. 但是,医疗和教育开支继续激增,雇员养老金计划的偿付能力正出现问题。
The third would avoid both stock and flow adjustment in the periphery, but threaten insolvency in the core. 第三种选择会避免外围国家的存量和流量调整,但有可能导致核心国家失去偿债能力。