非永久的;短暂的;暂时的 that will not last or stay the same forever
adj. 暂时的;非永久的
We are reminded just how small and how impermanent we are. 它让我们意识到我们有多么渺小,我们的生命是何其短暂。
Clouds are impermanent, but the sky is stable. 但是云飘在空中,还时不时的就换了个形状。
'Everything is impermanent, especially the market's level,' says Mr. Kessel, whose firm is Abacus Wealth Partners in Santa Monica, Calif. 凯塞尔说:任何东西都是暂时的,尤其是市场价位。凯塞尔的公司名为AbacusWealthPartners,位于加州圣莫尼卡(SantaMonica)。
Oral communication is fast-moving and impermanent. 口头交流速度快但持续短。
Impermanent memory There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term. 非永久记忆,短期记忆有两种记忆:短时记忆和长时记忆。
Now, when he experiences a pleasant, unpleasant or neutral sensation, he knows that it is impermanent, that it does not bind him, that it is not experienced with passion. 现在,当他经验到愉快,不愉快的或中性的感觉,他知道这是无常的,它不会把他捆起来,这不是激情的经验。
Let us celebrate with this one intention that let's bring home the ( Spiritual) Knowledge to everyone& that life, events are impermanent. 让我们怀着这样一个意愿庆祝,让我们将灵性知识带给每个人&告诉他们那些生活中的事件都是短暂的。
She believed him, and never changed, Zennai things impermanent, empty, old joy, already with his departure, no longer. 她信他,从未有变,怎奈世事无常,人去楼空,昔日欢愉,早已随着他的离去,不复。
Politics is an impermanent factor of life-James Thurber; impermanent palm cottages; a temperary arrangement; temporary housing. 政治只是生命中短暂的一部分-詹姆士.瑟伯;用棕榈叶搭建的临时小屋;暂时的安排。
After all, they argue, ebooks tend to be very impermanent; physical books, by contrast, have historical value. 他们指出,电子书毕竟是不是永久性的;相比之下,实体书籍则具有历史价值。
Don't take these experiences seriously because suffering and happiness just are impermanent, they go and come unexpectedly. 不要把这些体验看得太认真,要知道苦与乐来来去去,变幻不定。
All condition are impermanent, they are of the nature of arising and ceasing. 一切的缘皆是无常的,他们的本质是生与灭。
Because it's all impermanent, everyone and everything in this world, one day will change. 这世界中的任何人、任何事,有一天终究是会改变的。
My body is impermanent so I need to accept the pain at that very moment and then let that thought go. 身体是无常的,所以当疼痛发生时,我应该接受它,并且放下“痛”的念头。
It itself is very temporary, and therefore its excesses have to be, by definition, impermanent. “它本身是非常暂时的,因此它的过激行为都必须根据定义,永恒的”。
The emphasis of the paper is on the development of related theory in recent years, such as impermanent reputation in monopolistic market and turnover equilibrium in oligopolistic market, etc. 本文尤其关注最近几年中信誉理论的新进展,如关于垄断者信誉的暂时性、寡头市场上的“周转均衡”机制等。
So we have to have this wisdom that life is impermanent. 所以,我们都应该有这样的智慧,了解生命的无常。
It's always interesting flowing back into the more nebulous, impermanent lifestyle of a traveler after having a home-base for several months. 当你在家里享受了好几个月的那种安逸的生活,外出旅行,体验下漂泊不定的的生活是件非常有趣的事情。
Changes come slowly and are generally impermanent. 变化缓慢地发生,一般来说是非永久性的。
Our life is impermanent, we could not maintain it unchangeable, our death is indeed unchangeable. 我们的生命是无常的,不能保持不变的,我们的死亡才是不变的。
Life is impermanent, wisdom is eternal; the love in our heartis boundless, andour spirit will always remain. 生命无常,慧命永存;爱心无涯,精神常在。
This happiness is an enduring, transcendental happiness integral to the calmness attained through enlightenment or bodhi, rather than the happiness derived from impermanent things. 这是一个持久的幸福,通过内在的静定获得的完整圆满的幸福感达到了觉悟或菩提,而不是通过非永恒的事物所带来的幸福。
And anyway you know nothing is permanent, everything is impermanent, that you know. 总之,你们知道没有任何事是永恒的,每一件事物都是无常的。
Working memory is the traditional combination of attention, concentration and impermanent memory, and include the operations of remaining information for short term. 工作记忆是传统的注意力、集中、短期记忆的结合,涉及短期保持和为记忆所需的信息操作。
Second, making "five-year system" impermanent connect mode from middle to high vocational school. 第二,将五年一贯制作为中高职衔接的过渡模式;
The death described by Kawabata is shrouded with horrible atmosphere, permeated with woeful sincerity, and expresses the impermanent outlook of life and death, with alternate reality and illusory, and with grief but beauty. 川端康成笔下的死亡笼罩着恐怖的气氛,渗透着悲哀的情愫,同时也表现出了人生无常的生死观,以及死之亦真亦幻、既悲且美。
When a major disaster occurs, the government sets up the impermanent command body being responsible for directing rescue. 当重大灾害发生时,政府成立非常设领导指挥机构,负责指挥抢险救灾。
Dynamic Alliance is an impermanent enterprises 'commonwealth which is composed of enterprises, research institutes and individuals that legally independent of each other and of unique core competence in order to win a title under the premise of some market opportunity on the base of non-involving ownership. 动态联盟是指法律上相互独立的、具有独特核心能力的企业、研究所、个人等在不涉及所有权的前提下为了赢得某一市场机遇而组成的非永久性企业联合体。