(尤指乡下的)愉快恬静的地方(或事情、经历) a happy and peaceful place, event or experience, especially one connected with the countryside
描述恬静愉快情景的短诗(或短文);田园诗 a short poem or other piece of writing that describes a peaceful and happy scene
She finds that the sleepy town she moves to isn't the rural idyll she imagined 她发现她搬进的这个寂静小镇并非她想象中的乡间田园。
Though they still talked a lot, Harry felt that their idyll was drawing to an end. 尽管他们依然聊了很多,哈里却感到他们的浪漫插曲即将结束。
The Afrikaner rural idyll with its village square and little church has gone forever. 阿非利卡人的田园生活,村广场和小教堂,全都一去不复返了。
Today's incarnation falls short of the Japanese idyll she described, but it is lovely, historical and beautifully situated on a slope almost directly above the Sacred Bridge. 今天的金谷酒店已经不是她笔下的那个日式田园诗,而是优雅端庄、历史感十足,坐落在神桥几乎正上方的山坡上。
The love affair begins with the traditional boy-meets-girl idyll. 恋爱总是以少男巧遇少女这种传统的浪漫插曲开始的。
The author gives an all-round analysis of the idyll prospects of The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Milan Kundera. 作者对米兰·德拉的小说《笑忘录》中的牧歌图景进行了较为全面的论证和评析。
Not that the John Lewis tale has been an unbroken idyll. 约翰刘易斯的故事并非毫无波澜的田园诗。
An episode of such pastoral or romantic charm as to qualify as the subject of a poetic idyll. 适于做田园诗主题的、富于牧歌魅力的或浪漫的一段情节。
This was their closest approach to intimacy during their long Summer idyll. 在他们这段漫长的诗一样的夏日生活中,这是他们最亲密的一次接触了。
Round a bend in Cambodia's Tatai River and the virtual silence of a tropical idyll turns suddenly into an industrial nightmare. 美联社消息,绕着柬埔寨的塔太河走一圈,你会发现这里静谧的热带田园转眼间就变成了一个工业梦魇。
Not far from this idyll, the French were lampooning "Madame Deficit" in grotesque pamphlets. 距此田园牧歌几步之遥,便是法国民众讥讽“赤字夫人”的小册子。
The lyrics is a collision of the Dickensian and the modern, in which pastoral idyll collides against urban sprawl. 歌词则是狄更斯风格和现代风格的碰撞,充满牧歌般的田园与杂乱无章的城市之间的冲突。
The scene a few minutes from the stone house in which I am staying is like an idyll from a Thomas Hardy novel. 在距我入住石屋只有几分钟路程的地方,景色怡人,犹如托马斯哈代(thomashardy)小说中的田园风光。
In addition, you can explore Switzerland, its mountain idyll, hospitality, world-famous gastronomy and unique landscapes on offered Post-Congress-Programme. 此外,您可以通过会后活动充分领略瑞士迤逦的山川、热情好客的人民、举世闻名的美食和独特的景观。
The American suburban idyll of big homes and big gardens relied on cheap petrol. 美国郊区那大房子、大花园的田园生活依赖的正是廉价汽油。
Here they had been trying to create a weekend idyll for the urban middle classes. 在那里,他们曾试图创造城市中产阶级的周末田园诗。然而他们白费心机了。
After two weeks we had still not found anywhere that matched our idea of a country idyll. 两个星期后,我们仍然没有发现任何符合我们想法的地点。
A summer idyll on the coast of france. 法国海岸田园诗般的夏季生活。
Our idyll ended, of course, and we drove back to the world of loan payments, jobs and clogged washing machines. 我们田园式的漫游结束了,当然我们又得回到支付贷款、工作以及塞满了衣服的洗衣机的世界中来。
These films, made in Holland's distinctive style, best characterised as'engaged observation ', take us beyond the postcard gloss of England's rural idyll. 这个系列,带着荷兰的典型风格,可以被称之为“主动地观察”,带我们去到一个如明信片上风景般的美丽英国村庄。
As an independent form of landscape poetry and idyll, garden poetry has characteristics of its own but is interrelated with the two forms. 园林诗作为一种独立于山水诗、田园诗又与其有交叉关系的诗歌类型,有着自己的特点。
But time has stopped for our idyll. 但时间为我们的叙事诗所停。
The two deep-seated reasons why landscape and idyll come into being and develop during this period of time are as follows: One is that the given mode of life under feudal political and economic system impel literators and scholar-bureaucrats to long for landscape and countryside. 山水田园诗恰在此时勃兴,有两个深层原因:一是封建政治经济制度下形成的特定生活模式,促使晋宋士大夫文人对山水田园产生强烈的依恋。
Again, he was representative of the idyll literature induced by the monks'mountain-and-forest-literature. 又是庐山僧人文学活动和作品影响下产生的一种山林气息浓厚的文学。
Landscape and idyll in Jin and Song Dynasties, produced under the same historical background, share the common ideological and artistic characteristics. 晋宋山水田园诗由于产生于同一历史背景而有着共同的思想艺术特征。
Classical beauty of local idyll has covered modern beauty in urban. 乡土田园的古典美已构成对都市现代美的遮蔽。
The painting style changed as Rococo prevailed. The vague and complanation description, the decorative curve representation and the picturesque idyll all appeared. 到罗可可风格盛行时,绘画图式及风格为之一变,出现了朦胧而又平面化的描绘、富有装饰美感的曲线表现、与诗相通的田园风景等新现象。
In Tang poem this big field, the common people know that has the scenery idyll, the frontier fortress poem and so on, but to chants the bird poems to understand very little. 在唐诗这个大园地里,世人多知道有山水田园诗、边塞诗等,而对其中的咏鸟诗则知之甚少。
The second chapter, by describing the destruction of the rural ecological environment, urban jobs in rural hollowing and family separation and so on several aspects to describe the changes of the countryside from the idyll to depressed, reflecting urban civilization to rural civilization. 第二章,通过描写农村生态环境的破坏、进城打工导致农村空壳化以及家庭分离等几个方面描写农村由田园牧歌到凋敝的变迁,反思城市文明对农村文明的侵蚀。
Comparatively, academic circle to pre-Qin to Wei Jin time idyll attention and research slightly obviously weak. 相比之下,学术界对先秦至魏晋时期的田园诗的关注与研究则稍显薄弱。
late 16th cent. (in the Latin form): from Latin idyllium, from Greek eidullion, diminutive of eidosform, picture