Is it utopian to hope that such iconoclastic ideas will gain ground? 希望如此有悖传统观念的思想会发展普及,这是不是太理想化了?
His iconoclastic tendencies can get him into trouble. 他与传统信仰相悖的思想倾向可能会给他带来麻烦。
Its immediate successor, the 1999 New Beetle, is less historically significant but equally iconoclastic. 它的后继车型,也就是1999年版的新甲壳虫,在历史上并没有那么重要的地位,但它的设计同样特立独行。
In a series of startling upsets and a few expected triumphs, almost all of the top Oscars were handed to foreigners and iconoclastic show business outsiders. 在一系列的意料之中和意料之外的胜利中,大部分的重要奖项都被颁发给了外国人和一些打破常规的娱乐行业门外汉们。
Stephen Pollan is an iconoclastic life coach and personal finance mentor. 斯蒂芬-波伦是一个离经叛道的人生导师和个人理财顾问。
Mr. Letterman ended his 33-year career in late-night on Wednesday as he had started it& with the irreverence, self-mockery and mischief that made him such an iconoclastic talk-show host. 周三,莱特曼以他开始这个节目的方式结束了自己33年的深夜秀职业生涯,正是他不恭不敬、自我解嘲和恶作剧的特点,使他成为一位非常反传统的脱口秀主持人。
New iconoclastic ideas in medicine. 医学方面突破传统的新概念。
Our purpose is to make the realtime distance learning use the advantage of network fully, and the teacher and student can finish their mission more conveniently and efficiently in this iconoclastic model. 目的是使实时远程教学更加充分地利用网络的优势,使学生和教师在这种突破传统的教学模式中更为高效、方便地完成教学任务。
The modern movement began by pruning excess, and then shifted to an iconoclastic repudiation of historical styles, substituting a dogma of rigor and purity. 现代风格的趋势开始于修剪多余部分,然后转移到对历史风格进行彻底的批判,取代了严密和纯粹的建筑风格。
The first performance of the iconoclastic composition caused a tremendous hullabaloo in the audience. 第一场打破传统习俗作品的表演在观众中引起了极大的骚动。
The orthodox prediction is that the discovery will collapse in the face of new evidence but I take the iconoclastic view that it will be confirmed perhaps even opening the way to time travel via extra dimensions in space. 传统观点认为,新的证据将推翻这个发现,但我支持反传统的观点,认为新证据会证实这个发现甚至可能证实通过空间中的额外维度可以实现时间旅行的观点。
The two paintings by Fang Lijun embody the iconoclastic style of the times and the impulses that would transform Chinese contemporary art. 方力钧这两幅作品打破了图像的独特性,同时体现了即将改变中国当代艺术的推动力。