关于正统艺术(或文化)思想的;对正统的艺术(或文化)感兴趣的 concerned with or interested in serious artistic or cultural ideas
highbrow newspapers 格调高雅的报纸
highbrow readers 趣味高雅的读者
He presents his own highbrow literary programme. 他介绍了自己那个专业性很强的文学项目的情况。
Highbrow critics sniff that the programme was 'too sophisticated' to appeal to most viewers. 品位高雅的批评家们轻蔑地表示,该节目“太深奥”,对多数观众没有吸引力。
To be sure, these programmes are not necessarily highbrow-or not compared to your average trendy French art-house film. 没错,这些节目不一定高雅,至少没有一般流行的法国艺术剧院的电影高雅。
The candidate was also pleased that his strategic decision to represent himself with a 'popular yet relatively highbrow' TV show had worked. 让求职的戈德伯格感到欣喜的是,他策略性地决定以一部热播但格调相对较高的电视剧来展现自己,并起到了正面作用。
Highbrow and popular culture meet at the Tennispalatsi with its museums and movie theaters. 高雅与通俗文化交汇在坦尼斯宫的博物馆与电影院。
I see it everywhere, from the middle pages of highbrow pop culture publications to the style sections of local broadsheets. 我看到很多地方从波普文学出版物的中页到当地大幅海报的部分风格。
For artists motivation often incompatible with the public interest, so artists may love that too highbrow East Atrium, international, may not be popular applause. 因为,艺术家的兴奋点往往与大众的兴趣相悖,所以,艺术家的热爱意味着东晶?国际可能曲高和寡,叫好可能并不叫座。
But not all such pre-commitment devices are as successful: just think of the people who subscribe to gyms and never exercise, or highbrow journals they never read. 但并非所有这种预先承诺的方法都如此成功:只要想想那些办卡健身却从来没去锻炼的人,或者那些订了高雅杂志、却从未读过的人就清楚了。
The guest speaker was a highbrow Professor from the local college. 那位邀请来的讲演者,是当地大学里一位(自以为)学识渊博的教授。
A highbrow be the kind of person who looks at a sausage and think of picasso. 所谓有高度文化修养的人,就是看见香肠即思及毕加索的人。
We had a highbrow discussion on classical music. 我们就古典音乐来了一次高水平的讨论。
This is a too highbrow general developers afraid of the market mechanism; 这是一个曲高和寡,一般发展商不敢部问津的市场;
A full spike tends to bow; a learned man doesn't style himself highbrow. 麦穗越饱满,它越低头;人愈有学问,愈不装腔作势。
What appeals to me in the highbrow papers are the books and film reviews. 在第一流的报纸内对我颇有吸引力的是书刊评论和影评。
She complained of my being too highbrow. 她不满我太热衷于高深学问。
He thinks Yahoo board of directors is highbrow to the assessment of company value. 他认为雅虎董事会对公司价值的评估是不切实际的。
IN THIS ARTICLE: People rejected the English language game Scrabble at first as too "highbrow" or "complicated". 本文简介:人们起初以高深复杂为由拒绝接受拼字游戏这种英语文字游戏。
In this five to ten years ago, both investment-type projects, or home-based properties are not too highbrow. 在这五到十年前,不论是投资型的项目,还是自住型的房产,都难免曲高和寡。
Each highbrow did and does congratulate himself on being unique in his unlikeness to other men; 每个有学问的人信用着自己与其他人的纷歧般;
Today, the market and developers understand that in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou villa market has been unpopular good years, and the Shenzhen market is Hin "too highbrow" How hot is not possible. 如今,令市场和发展商不解的是,北京、上海、广州的别墅市场已经火爆了好多年,而深圳这一市场则显的“曲高和寡”,怎么也热不起来。
Although Western Music came from the common people, it is now still highbrow art and literature and elegant spiritual nutrition. Prof. 西方艺术音乐虽植于民间,但至今仍是阳春白雪,是高品位的精神营养。
Advance too often too highbrow, not market recognition, but simply to clone others, picked up the pace to follow the trend of the market will not have a good effect. 太超前往往曲高和寡,得不到市场的认可,但纯粹地克隆别人、亦步亦趋地跟风也不会有好的市场效果。
Start your own highbrow clique. 开始发展你自己的高雅小圈子。
Highbrow events such as the ballet or opera; a highbrowed literary critic. 高雅的运动项目如芭蕾舞或歌剧;一个高雅的文学评论。
( informal) someone who is neither a highbrow nor a lowbrow. (非正式)既不博学亦不浅薄的人。
Italian television could never be accused of being highbrow, but now it's apparently become so tacky that most Italians would rather watch commercials, according to a new survey. 意大利的电视节目向来说不上是阳春白雪,但一项新的调查显示它现在显然是太俗了,俗到大部分意大利人宁愿看广告也不看它的地步。
But he has always attracted serious-minded partisans eager to mount a highbrow defense of the lowbrow. 但他总能吸引热心的坚定支持者,急著以他们的高文化素养为他的低俗文化辩护。
Such highbrow outfits tend to have small, select clienteles and are constantly trying to broaden their appeal, often by offering discounts and staying open late on Friday and Saturday nights. 那些阳春白雪类的机构倾向于拥有那些数量少的,精选出来的客户,并且通常是通过提供折扣和周五周六晚上推迟打烊,设法持续扩大他们的吸引力。
We boast of our dislike of highbrow art and music, and we have more and better-attended symphonies, art galleries, and theaters than any country in the world. 我们自豪地说自己讨厌那些曲高和寡的艺术和音乐,但是我们的交响乐团、艺术馆和剧院有着比世界上任何国家更多的听众,观众。
So far, housing secondary market started more than five months, through the secondary mortgage transactions very little room, in the financial lending business is a bit "too highbrow". 到目前为止,住房二级市场启动五个多月,通过抵押贷款成交的二手房廖廖无几,这在金融放贷业务中显得有点“曲高和寡”。