有泡沫的;起泡沫的 having a mass of small bubbles on the surface
frothy coffee 泡沫咖啡
华而不实的;夸夸其谈的;花架子的 seeming attractive and enjoyable but having no real value
frothy romantic novels 轻浮浅薄的浪漫小说
轻薄精巧的 light and delicate
adj. 多泡的;起泡的;空洞的,浅薄的
形容词最高级:frothiest 形容词比较级:frothier
The new invention ensures the beer keeps a full, frothy head. 这项新发明能保证啤酒始终保持丰富的泡沫。
The chromosphere is a frothy layer churned up by gases in the photosphere. 色球层在光球层气体的搅拌下不停地翻腾。
Both are hallmarks of frothy markets that typically retreat in tough times. 这两者都是市场泡沫的标志,而市场低迷的时候它们却往往销声匿迹。
Place the egg whites and cream of tartar in a large bowl and whisk until frothy. 将蛋白和塔塔粉放在一个大碗里,打至起泡。
This has caused some to wonder if frothy valuations are no longer confined to Chinese stock prices alone. 这导致一些人揣测:泡沫估值是否已不再局限于中国股市?
The risk is that cheap borrowing will finance suboptimal investments, whether in fixed assets or expensive share buybacks in a frothy equity market. 这其中的风险在于,廉价借款可能为次优投资提供资金&无论是固定资产还是在起泡的股市上进行代价高昂的股票回购。
The problem is that the frothy valuations of Chinese shares leave no room for error as the economy goes through a very challenging switch. 问题是,在中国经济经历一个非常具有挑战性的转型之际,中国股票的泡沫估值意味着不能有丝毫差错。
For the early stage investors, this means increased competition and frothy valuations. 对于早期投资者而言,这意味着竞争日益激烈,进而导致估值泡沫。
Borrowing cheaply in dollars was especially attractive given the investment opportunities in frothy emerging markets. 鉴于新兴市场泡沫般的投资机遇,借贷便宜的美元债务尤其有吸引力。
Beat egg whites with salt and lemon juice over low speed until frothy and foamy. 遗传性低磷酸盐性佝偻病食盐和柠檬汁加入蛋白,低速打成粗泡。
Cheap money and negative real interest rates lead over time to frothy speculation and inflation. 随着时间推移,廉价货币和负的实际利率导致带来泡沫的投机和通货膨胀。
But just as prices were starting to look frothy, particularly for Lafite, April produced some much-needed respite. 但正当价格尤其是拉菲(lafite)开始给人以泡沫感时,4月份迎来了亟需的喘息。
But frothy equity markets mean that customers shift from term to demand deposits, which cost the bank less. 但股市上涨意味着客户将资金从定期转为活期,降低了工行的利息成本。
Beat egg whites until frothy, add salt, lemon juice and extracts. 把蛋白打至粗泡,加入食盐,柠檬汁和香精。
Here, the devil wears taffeta and the script is more frothy than cutting edge. 在这里,魔鬼穿着塔夫绸和脚本更比泡沫时代的尖端。
Frothy again and said they were a bit of a waste of time. 浪费时间,下面我们再听一遍使用到的词语和表达。
Frothy water as in rapids or waterfalls. 象急流或瀑布的起泡的水。
Residential construction in tier 2 cities is leading to an oversupply of stock and frothy land prices – both of which put downward pressure on developers margins. 二线城市的住宅建设正在导致住宅存量供应过剩和地价泡沫&这两个现象都对开放商的利润率造成了下行压力。
One sign of a sustained slowdown would be a return to less frothy condo names. 也许只有当小区名字起的不再如此空洞的时候,才意味着房价真正被控制住了。
His new film is a frothy romantic comedy. 他的新电影是一部空洞的爱情喜剧。
If negative real interest rates persist, policymakers fear depositors could flee the banks and pour more of their money into the already frothy stock and property markets. 如果实际利率为负的情况持续下去,决策者担心储户有可能把钱抽离银行,将更多资金投入已经出现泡沫的股市和房地产市场。
Frothy property markets, especially in the financial centres of Hong Kong and Singapore, are another case in point, especially as banks slash staff and, with them, home rental allowances. 起泡沫的房地产市场,尤其是在香港和新加坡这两个金融中心的房地产市场,是另一个说明问题的现象,尤其是随着各银行裁减员工以及随之而来的削减租房补贴。
Prices for commercial buildings have retreated 10 per cent or more from the frothy first half of last year. 与去年上半年的泡沫时期相比,商业地产价格下跌了10%甚至更多。
Chastened regulators now talk about a presumption of guilt, not innocence, when prices look frothy. 如今,吃一堑长一智的监管者们在价格看上去存在泡沫时谈论着有罪推定,而非无罪推定。
China's frothy property market seems finally to be taking a leg down, which could be bad news not just for China, but for some of its biggest trading partners. 中国的楼市泡沫似乎终于出现了泄气的迹象,这可能不仅对中国是坏消息,对中国最大的几个贸易伙伴来说也是一样。
The bubbling candy mixture; a cup of foaming cocoa; frothy milkshakes; frothy waves; spumy surf. 起泡的糖果混合物;泡沫可可;泡沫牛奶饮料;起泡的波浪;泡沫冲浪。
He began to have frequent, frothy, foul-smelling stools. 他开始有多次、泡沫和臭味的大便。
Frothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream. 牛奶加香料水果或冰淇淋制成的多泡沫的饮料。
The frothy levels of government indebtedness prevailing in developed countries are certainly not reassuring. 发达国家政府普遍存在的高负债水平,当然不会让人放心。
Any of various tall frothy mixed drinks made usually of rum and lime juice and sugar shaken with ice. 任何一种通常由浪姆酒和酸橙汁及加有碎冰块的糖混合制成的多泡的混合饮料。