(对衣食等)过分讲究的,过分挑剔的 too worried about what you eat, wear, etc.; disliking many things
a finicky eater 过分挑食者
需认真仔细对待的;需要注意细节的 needing great care and attention to detail
It's a very finicky job. 这是个很细致的工作。
adj. 过分讲究的;过分注意的;过分繁琐的
Even the most finicky eater will find something appetizing here. 即使是最挑剔的食客在这里也会找到让人胃口大开的美食。
The long lists of food allergies some people claim to have can make it seem as if they're just finicky eaters trying to rationalize likes and dislikes. 有人说自己对很多食物过敏,就好像他们特别挑剔,给自己喜欢和不喜欢吃的食物找借口。
The iPod is somewhat finicky about the types of media it plays. iPod对于它播放的媒体的类型有点挑剔。
Various configuration settings can cause finicky behavior. 不同的配置设置会引起奇怪的行为。
The English language is a finicky one but its also ever changing. 英语是一门讲究的语言,并且一直在演变。
Nobody hiring today is going to be looking for someone who's going to be finicky about their workspace. 如今任何招聘单位都不会寻找对他们办公地点过分讲究的人。
But analysts say it will be a hard road ahead to restore confidence in a market known for its finicky and picky consumers. 但分析师们表示,在以消费者挑剔闻名的日本市场,恢复信心的道路将非常坎坷。
I found the keys on the cover to be responsive and well spaced, but extremely noisy. And the trackpad? Nothing short of finicky. At times it would register a two-finger tap which triggers a right-click action when I only had one finger on the pad. 有时我只用一根手指轻击触控板,但它却会判定我用了两根&这会触发单击右键的操作。
Dress very carefully and in a finicky manner. 非常小心并且过分地打扮。
This job is too finicky for me. 我做不了这麽细致的工作。
Mono also has a lot of stretch, which can be put to your advantage if the fish are being finicky and not slamming the lure when they bite. 同时尼龙相对较大的延展性,在鱼非常滑口的时候则变成了优点。
But there is no* way* that I would ever ditch Outlook, even with all of its install requirements and occasionally finicky behavior. 但没有办法,我会放弃Outlook,甚至连同它所有的安装要求和偶尔地苛刻行为。
It's a very finicky job to get all these little bones out of the fish. 把这些小骨头从鱼里全部取出是非常龟毛的工作。
A finicky eater; fussy about clothes; very particular about how her food was prepared. And Jay seems to be quite an easy shopper. 讲究的食客;对衣服很挑剔;她对食物的制作非常挑剔。
He looked at the greasy veal and peppers splattered all over the kitchen walls and his finicky neatness was outraged. 他望着油腻腻的小牛肉和溅得满墙都是的青椒,他那讲究整洁的癖性受到了刺激,便勃然大怒。
Recently they have been required to become more finicky, particularly in high-risk countries. 最近,它们将不得不办理更加复杂的手续,尤其是在高风险的国家。
A couple of negative aspects could make you a little finicky "for the next few days." 一些负面的事情,会让你在接下来的几天里,变得有些刻薄
Finicky miniature cameras and tape recorders have given way to pinhead-sized gadgets, powered remotely ( a big problem in the old days used to be changing the batteries on bugs). 精巧的迷你摄像机和磁带机被针头大小可以远程充电的小玩意儿取代(过去给窃听器更换电池是一大难题)。
A finicky eater, dresser, etc. 对吃、穿等过分挑剔的人。
They all look the same to you ( red), but Marslings are very, very finicky about shades of red in a way that you never imagined. 他们在你看来都一样(红色的),但火星人就是非常非常讲究红色的那种细微变化,这是你所永远无法想象的。
Product description: Even the most finicky child will love the fresh clean fragrance of California Baby's Tea Tree Lavender Shampoo Bodywash. 产品描述:即使是最挑剔的孩子也一定会喜欢这加州婴儿茶树和薰衣草精华的洗发水和沐浴露新鲜与清洁的香味。
He is the most finicky eaters iv've ever met 他是我所见到过的对事物最挑剔的人
He was a very finicky eater. 他是一个在饮食上非常讲究的人。
Thanks to a mormon-dominated city council, drinking laws are finicky. 由于摩门教徒主导市议会,酒精饮料法案非常严苛。
Very finicky growers, very delicate fronds. 非常挑剔的小生命,有精致的叶子。
Having reached their30s or40s, when they can no longer do mind-numbing, fast-paced and finicky work on production lines, they will often go back to the countryside. 当他们30多岁或40岁之后,他们无法再从事那种在生产流水线上麻痹头脑、快节奏及挑剔繁琐的工作,他们往往会返回农村。
Even though it's limited in some ways and it can be finicky about formatting queries in the correct syntax, the service is fun to explore. 尽管它在某些方面有限的,它可以对格式化正确的语法查询挑剔,服务是有趣的探索。
They are sometimes finicky; a smudge of dirt or a speck of dust can cause bogus readings and change the calculated results. 这类装置有时是相当敏感的,上面稍稍有些污点或灰尘就会引起读数的变化,从而改变计算的结果。
I carefully looked at the dandelion, it is not a finicky flower. 我仔细看了看蒲公英,它并不是一个娇气的花。
Eat up your spaghetti and do not be so finicky! 把你的意大利面条吃完,别太龟毛!