Such an earthshaking change must have far-reaching effects. 像这样翻天覆地的变化一定会产生深远的影响。
Every time when I read the five thousand years old chinese history, I am moved and convinced by those earthshaking heroes. 每次阅读中国上下五千年历史,我都会被一位位叱咤风云的英雄所感染和折服。
Over the past 90 years, our Party has united with and led the Chinese people in writing a grand epic in the history of human development on this ancient land of China, evidenced in three earthshaking events. 90年来,我们党团结带领人民在中国这片古老的土地上,书写了人类发展史上惊天地、泣鬼神的壮丽史诗,集中体现为完成和推进了三件大事。
In the 170 plus years since the Opium War of 1840, our great country has weathered untold hardships, our great nation has waged earthshaking struggles, and our great people have scored splendid achievements in the annals of history. 1840年鸦片战争以来中国170多年的历史,概括地说就是,我们伟大的祖国经历了刻骨铭心的磨难,我们伟大的民族进行了感天动地的奋斗,我们伟大的人民创造了彪炳史册的伟业。
That's because, today, voice input on all phones, including this one, is still limited and sometimes frustrating, and saving a step or a second for just a couple of functions isn't earthshaking. 其原因是,所有手机,其中也包括这一款,它们的语音输入功能现在仍然有限,而且有时还让人恼火,仅仅使几个功能省却一个步骤或一秒钟时间并不能带来惊天动地的影响。
All of these earthshaking new products and technologies have exploded on the scene in the last 8 years. 所有这些颠覆式的新产品和新技术,都是在过去短短8年之内井喷出来的。
Slightly calculate then know, can draw a conclusion that earthshaking, generally if workers to earn a year of working, Mr Ma needed six thousand years. 略算便知,便可得出一个惊天动地的结论,即,一般工人如果要赚到马先生一年的工薪,需要六千年。
If you have a change to hear the sounds of CSP products, you will be Shocked by listening the Fine and Smooth rendition of the products! Super Dynamics and Earthshaking! 假如您有机会听到CSP专业音箱,您一定会被CSP细腻的表现手法、超级力度、超级震撼所吃惊!
The camera phone became a bona fide cultural phenomenon, allowing the average Joe to quickly and personally share both mundane and earthshaking events with the rest of the world. 拍照手机成为真正的文化现象,允许老百姓快速地与世界分享惊天动地的事件。
He could do nothing but stand and wonder. That was an earthshaking event. 他只得惊奇地站着不动.那是件惊天动地的事。
Earthshaking changes have taken place from ancient times to the present. 自古至今,世界发生了翻天覆地的变化。
That reform will also be a change, and an earthshaking one. 城市改革也是变,是翻天覆地的变化。
Education is a cause of love, which has neither earthshaking verve nor magnificent feats, but exerts a lifelong silent transforming influence on students'character. 教育是充满爱的事业,这种爱没有惊天动地的气魄,没有令人瞩目的壮举,只有润物无声的永恒。
It is just these structures that make oracle beautiful artistically with a incomparable earthshaking force. 正是如此建构,才使甲骨文这一书体富于艺术之美,具有无比的震撼力。
Let us emulate Mother Teresa in giving up the earthshaking undertakings; let us assume the attitude of "like a willing ox with head bowed", and let us start the service bit by bit! 让我们像特蕾萨修女一样,放弃那些惊天动地的伟大创举,以“俯首甘为孺子牛”的精神,从一点一滴开始做起吧!
But as college students, employer usually didn't expect you in summer job during what earthshaking achievement. 而作为大学生,雇主通常并不指望您在暑期工作期间会有什么惊天动地的成就。
It is an earthshaking era. As a child, he showed an aptitude for the piano. 在孩提时代,他显露出对于钢琴的天赋。
We just too young, happy and sad like acting, a touch earthshaking 我们只是太年轻,快乐和伤心都像在演戏,一碰就惊天动地
That was an earthshaking event. They felt the ground quake as the bomb exploded. 那是件惊天动地的事。炸弹爆炸时,他们觉得地都震动了。
I remember that, the handwritings of this earthshaking fragment were in different colors, one was in light blue ink, and another was in dark blue, scratchy handwritings. 我记得,这篇影响深远的断章字迹颜色不同,一种墨水是浅蓝,另一种是深蓝,且字迹潦草。
I as if saw mother-in-law is young when the earthshaking appearance, but in the flash, mother-in-law in the eye ray is suddenly gloomy, I saw her facial features cannot say old. 我似乎看见了婆婆年轻时叱咤风云的样子,但在一瞬间,婆婆眼中的光芒突然暗淡下去,我看到她的面容说不出的苍老。
Earthshaking proposals; the contest was no world-shaking affair; the conversation* could hardly be called world-shattering. 重大提案;这次争论不是十分重要;这次会谈不能说很重要。
It is an earthshaking era. 这是一个翻天覆地的时代。
After countless vibrant passage of time, earthshaking earth mother turned into a beauty once, replaced by old dirty and distorted beyond recognition. 历经无数次沧海桑田,斗转星移,地球母亲的美丽变成了曾经,取而代之的是苍老肮脏和面目全非。
Its intension, characteristic and display account its earthshaking influence on China or even on the world. 全球化的内涵、特征与表现说明了它对中国乃至世界具有极其重大的影响。
At the same time, the Chinese farmers 'concept of child-bearing also has undergone earthshaking changes. 与此同时,中国农民的生育观念也发生了翻天覆地的改变。
Since half the past century, earthshaking changes have taken place in these communities. 近半个世纪以来,我国农村社区发生了翻天覆地的变化。
Earthshaking change happened in rural area of our country and agriculture demonstration after reforming and opening, farmers 'life has also had immense rise. 改革开放以后,我国的农村和农业确实发生了翻天覆地的变化,广大农民的生活也有了极大的提高。
The demand for agricultural information has experienced earthshaking changes under the background of the rapid development in Chinese economy. 在中国经济快速发展的背景下,农业对信息的需求也有了巨大的变化。
Science and technology never-ending changes and improvements, every corner giving an emperor on the throne the world have brought about earthshaking change. 科技的日新月异,给当今世界的每一个角落带来了翻天覆地的变化。