Skin thickens, dries and coarsens after sun exposure. 晒后皮肤会变厚、变干、变粗糙。
Her voice has deepened and coarsened with the years 随着岁月的流逝,她的声音变得低沉粗鲁起来。
He had coarsened his voice to an approximation of Cockney. 他让自己的口音变得粗俗起来,接近伦敦东区的发音。
But surpassed this contents, the crystal grain of alloy became coarsen, and the hardness reduced along with. 但超过这个加入量,合金晶粒开始变粗,硬度也随之降低。
Interestingly, the decision to coarsen can be made independent to the number of threads contending for the locks. 有趣的是,是否进行锁粗化,与竞争锁的线程数量是无关的。
One of the things we could do is coarsen the lock to include the loop. 优化的方法之一就是将锁粗化,以包含整个循环。
It was found that the notch sensitivity of the alloy is closely related to TiC film precipitated along grain boundaries. With raising temperature and prolonging time of aging treatment, the TiC films coarsen gradually into block so that the notch sensitivity vanished from the alloy. 合金的缺口敏感性与薄膜状TiC沿晶界析出有着密切的关系,随着时效温度的提高和时效时间的延长,晶界薄膜状TiC逐渐变为块状,因而缺口敏感得以消除。
The new kind of CSD diamond abrasive with the crumb structure which consists of many fine crystals has the character of coarsen and scraggy surfaces, it can avoid that single cystals early fall off because of the fast-ness in the bonder; 由多个细小晶粒构成的团粒结构的GSD金刚石磨料新品种,具有表面粗糙、凸凹不平的形貌特征,且在结合剂中把持牢固,避免了单晶磨料过早脱落的现象,使得磨具寿命成倍提高;
But when the normalizing temperature is below Tc which is the critical temperature for grains to coarsen, grain refinement plays a important part in the strengthening of Nb steel and Nb-Ti steel, and the precipitation contributes little. 当正火加热温度低于临界粗化温度TC时,含Nb微合金钢和Nb-Ti复合微合金钢的强度主要来自细晶强化,沉淀强化效应很小。
It is concluded that the phenomena of replacement of spatial and temporal process is typical in the erosion development, the coarsen of riverbeds, the sediment concentration and the change of river regime, etc. 分析表明,河流再造床过程在冲刷延展、河床粗化、含沙量及其特征、岸滩侵蚀以及河型变化等方面具有较典型的时空演替现象。
Steel with high strength and excellent toughness can be made by fining the microstructure. But the grain coarsen of ultrafine microstructure at welding situation may hinder their application. 通过组织超细化可以使钢铁材料同时获得高的强度和优良的韧性,但超细组织在焊接条件下的粗化可能阻碍超细组织钢的应用。
As the crystallization temperature and time increase, the crystals coarsen and properties are improved. 随着晶化温度和晶化时间的增加,材料的性能得到改善,析出的晶粒尺寸增大。
In contrast with the traditional method to coarsen and disperse the spatial data to administration unit, the spatial overlaying analysis can greatly diminish the loss of spatial information. 与把空间数据“粗化”和“离散化”到行政单元上的传统作法相比,该研究方法空间信息的损失很小。
In view of the quality problems with viscosity, sulphur and phosphorus contents, it is proposed in research work to coarsen grinding sizes and to adopt plate-and-frame press for classifying filtration, thus the problems with iron ore concentrate filtration are resolved preliminarily. 本文针对梅山铁精矿粘、硫、磷质量问题,研究提出放粗磨矿粒度,在分级过滤应用板框压滤机,初步解决了铁精矿难过滤的问题;
The 3D composite results have been obtained by solving 2D fluid equations in porous media, and then using the composite results to compute the effective permeability of coarsen grid. 在粗化区内,利用直接解法求解二维渗流方程,再用这些解合成粗化网格的三维合成解,并由合成解计算粗化网格的等效渗透率。
Meanwhile, too great interface thickness would coarsen the secondary arms. 同时,过大的界面厚度会导致主枝晶和二次枝晶粗化。
Moreover, rich-copper particles coarsen with holding time increasing, which results in hardness decreasing. 随着时效时间的延长,试样处于过时效时,富铜析出物不断粗化长大,导致硬度的下降。
After quenching, the phases of the composite are as same as the as-cast composite, but the morphography of TiC particulate was transformed from square to sphere, some TiC particulates coarsen due to the precipitation of the solid-soluble TiC particulates; 热处理后,复合材料的相组成不变,但是TiC颗粒由方形变成球形,固溶析出的TiC颗粒在某些TiC颗粒的表面沉积,使后者粗化;
The studies show that B in steel competes N with AlN and reduces the amount of AlN that can refine the grains to coarsen austenite grains; 研究表明,钢中的B与AlN争夺N,降低了起细化晶粒作用的AlN的含量,造成奥氏体晶粒粗化;
It is suggested that the formation of precipitation free zones accompanying with the precipitation of S ′ phase and coarsen equilibrium phase ( S) on the grain boundaries reduce the elongation. 研究表明,伴随S′相析出所产生的晶界无析出带及粗大的晶界平衡相,是2024铝合金伸长率急剧降低的主要原因。
FLUENT also allows users to, unitarily or partly refine and coarsen based on the size, accuracy and efficiency and other factors. FLUENT还允许用户根据求解规模、精度及效率等因素,对网格进行整体或局部地细化和粗化。
When the recrystallization started, the precipitates swept by the interface of recrystallized grains would coarsen quickly, which was coincident with the experimental results. 而再结晶发生后,再结晶界面扫过的析出颗粒将快速粗化,这与试验结果相吻合。
As annealing temperature increasing, the recrystallized grains coarsen. In the microstructure of alloy fabricated by ball milling powders existed larger grains with preferred orientation and small equiaxed grains. 球磨粉制备的合金热变形后,合金显微组织中存在较大的有择优取向的晶粒和细小的等轴晶,随着退火温度的升高,细小等轴晶分布均匀化。